Every day you say no to your dreams; you could be putting your dreams back 6 months or more. Don't wait anymore. Stand up for your dreams. Stand up for your Health. Stand up for your Peace of Mind. Take full responsibility for yourself. Accept where you are right now and then Accept the Responsibility of taking yourself where you want to go. You can decide to live each day as if it were your very last. Live your life with Passion and Drive. Decide that you are going to push yourself.The last chapter of your life has not been written yet. It doesn't matter what happened yesterday or what anyone thinks about you..
You’re going to have some ups and you’re going to have some downs. Most people give up on themselves easily. You know that a human spirit is powerful? There is nothing as powerful – its hard to kill the human spirit! Anybody can feel good when they have their health, their bills are paid, they have happy relationships. Anybody can be positive then. Anybody can have a larger vision then. Anybody can have a lot of faith under those kinds of circumstances. The real challenge of growth, mentally, emotionally and spiritually comes when you get knocked down. It takes courage to act! Part of being hungry when you’ve been defeated. It takes courage….
To start over again.
It's your time to make CHANGES that will MATTER.
I'm going to get off my soap box now. Good luck and reach out if you need to chat; but my only condition is lets talk solutions that will end the suffering.