I have the same question actually. I thought he still comes to my country (Kuwait) he just replied and said not anymore!
Anyways, here is his message:
"The safest method for leg lengthening is EXTERNAL METHOD. The cost for lengthening operation using Mitkovic 3D External method and devices is 11,300 EUR for both tibias only or for both femurs only. I do internal as well but it is much more expensive - 42000 EUR. In that price it is included: The cost of lengthening operation including anesthesia, medicines, devices, preoperative investigations and checking, 6 days hospital stay after the operation, weekly changing gauzes around pins until the end of treatment (if you are here in Nis) all follow up until the end of treatment and removal of devices on the end of the treatment. There are no other charges regarding this LL operation except wheelchair (buying or renting). Operation is performed several days after patient's arrival. First 3 weeks patient uses wheelchair, after that can start to use walker. Crutches can be used 3-6 weeks after the operation. Walking with full weight bearing, without crutches, can start 4.5-5 months after the operation. Some of patients walk with full weight bearing after the operation but we do not recommend. Complete healing time is about 7-9 months depending of lengthening size (the recommended lengthening is 5-7.5cm or 2-3 inches). It is scientifically proven that lengthening for more than 7.5 cm leads to permanent loosing of corresponding muscles power and also leads to other complications as misalignment regardless of using external or internal method. If patient wants lengthening from 8-12 cm then it is recommended lengthening to be performed on tibias first, and later, operation on femurs. After complete healing of bones, external devices are removed without new surgery - in out patient clinic. Frames removal is free of charge.
Regarding accommodation, patients can stay in the hospital. Price for one month is 500 Euros and includes medical care and food. Some patients prefer to stay in one of hotels in down town where the price with the breakfast is about 500 Euros - monthly price. Some patients prefer private furnished apartment which is in this city cheaper then hotel. Regarding returning to home country, patient can travel one month after the operation but it is recommended to stay in Nis at list until lengthening phase completed (about 3 months). However, it is recommended patient to stay under our control until full treatment finished. At home, if go early, patients must have the possibility to change sterile gauzes around the external fixation pins (if external method used) and to do exercises. Regarding this place Nis: It is one University City of more then 300,000 residents and 25,000 students, with nice spring and autumn and no very hot summer and no very cold winter. It is surrounded by mountains and forests. People of Nis are very friendly with very positive behavior to foreigners regardless of country origin or religion or others. Many of our patients visited Nis again several years after the treatment. For information regarding visa you can contact the nearest Serbian consulate on
http://www.mfa.gov.rs/en/consular-affairs/entry-serbia/visa-regimeNo special preoperative preparation is necessary.
You are welcome for further questions.
Best regards"