Day 38 Post Op - Journey Continues...Smooth Day, Two Fairly Strong Legs, FINALLY [2.743cm or 1.0799 inches Taller!]
Greetings LL'ers,
Today was a good one. I am pleased to announce that both my left leg and right leg, feel strong; meaning that there are no nagging pains which are causing me to over compensate. This is important in so many ways. Number 1, my stress and over all level of contentment go way up when I'm not experiencing sharp LL pain. Number 2, PT is way easier when I am able to enjoy the massage they give me and focus on deep stretching. When I have one of the leg pains; you can imagine how tough it is to experience any of the PT treatment. I hope that the leg strengthening continues. I'll keep you all posted.
Pain: Again, in the night and early morning, the pain is at it's peak for me. I would give it a 5 to 6. When the legs are being held in one position, especially, straight on a bed for the entire night there is just trouble to be had later. I'm hoping that this will subside soon. My main pain point as far as this goes would be just one spot on my right leg to be honest. One one little spot on my knee, after doing a laying down stretch, following maybe 8 hours in bed...I feel a small steady pain. It goes away within 5-10 minutes of me stretching and standing up. I believe this has to do with me being in one position the entire night. I think I am putting undue stress on an area that is trying to get through lengthening. I'll keep you all posted on this.
Flexibility and movement: Definitely tightness in quads, hams, and a bit in the knee area. Nothing that is stopping my range of motion. It's just a bit less fluid while bending. Much of this should be resolved with PT and go away after distraction phase. Overall, the feeling is tolerable. I can take baby steps unassisted. Prefer to use walker for balance and to work on my motion, gait, etc.
Today's' Activities: I did PT and worked for a few hours. I got in some and on, snoozed for a bit.
Overall, it was a pretty decent day. I ordered a 180 degree reclining chair and also plan to begin taking warm baths every day beggining in a couple of days. I'll keep you posted on how that impacts my legs. I know it will feel good if nothing else.
Okay Guys, if you have any questions, feel free to let me know. Talk soon