I don't think you can do 4 fixators at once. You've said you wish to gain 19cm which is pretty extreme. There's only 1 person on this entire forum who has gone to about 10 cm and this guy is an extreme example, but he managed 11cm. His leg ratio looks pretty bad because he did all of this on a single segment. So yes its possible, but is it safe? No, I'd say for the vast majority of people this is a death wish.
https://bit.ly/2SrJCrO This is apoth, I thought he went for 191, 17cm is still extreme.
I looked up greekster first and got apotho, but I couldn't find a decent before and after of greek only the mock ups.
Apparently his arms and torso were perfect for the procedure because I'd argue apoth has the best ratios I've seen
yet and this is assuming he isn't shopping his photos.
btw, take apos pictures with a huge grain of salt. he is known to "manipulate it". Like wearing bigger pants and t-shirt to cover the area that seperates torso and the hip.
He also takes pictures from certain angle where which enlarges torso.
There was a picture of him playing american rugby where he has extremely oversized shorts. He pretends its some kind of fashion move but we all know why.
If you do apos amount of lengthening forget ever wearing slim fit or skinny fit pants. Even regular fit pants.
You will be condemned to wear rapper-like baggy clothes for rest of your life.
Whats the point of LLing if you're going to look after anyway?
there was a documentary by cbs 20/20, a longer version of that documentary which I cant find on youtube, where Apo in one short scene got caught off-guard. You can see his proportions without any manipulation, and believe me it was shocking.
elbow is where his torso ends.. it just looks weird even with those XL shorts