I honestly dont care if im short. The only reason why im doing CLL is because I cant stand dealing with heightism. If there was no heightism i would just stay my short height.
I don’t really believe in heightism because I’ve seen a lot of short men who are very happy and successful romantically, socially, professionally etc... and as for short women well... It’s usually not even a factor they think about, I know a lot of 5’-5’2 girls who love being “fun sized” and if they ever feel short (for conferences or professional work or w/e) they wear 4 inch heels and they’re fine...
as I’ve said from day 1: I’m really skeptical as to how much randomly adding 2-4 inches to someone’s legs can truly improve their life. I have no doubts that there is a big difference in total life experience when you average the lives of 5’5 men vs the lives of 6’3 men, but both are 10th/90th percentile extreme, and I feel like everyone within a standard deviation of 5’10 probably has overall a similar life or other factors that significantly outweigh height (good looks, good money, good social skills) or BAD forms of those factors that detriment from their height
It’s really all about the brain. I have met some people with truly wonderful brains: very charismatic, productive, forward thinking people who really aren’t that attractive or that tall but absolutely just breeze through life and have no shortage of romantic partners or friends because of how contagious their personality is. On the other hand, I have met some very anxious and very negative people who have mental breakdowns and cry every time something in their life goes wrong and overreact to just about anything and interpret the world as being out to get them.
I’m really skeptical how much my life will truly change going from 5’6.5-5’10 the average.
When I was a freshman in college I thought I was doomed because everyone in college was much taller than high school, but now that I’ve found a good friend group, dated a few girls, and had a few hookups, that idea is starting to fade and just seems like some hazy juvenile delusions...
I plan on doing 2 inches w/ femurs first and then taking it from there. Honestly, I truly don’t think my life will change that much, like I don’t know what people expect: they go from 5’6.5 to 5’10 nd then they get promoted to CEO and supermodels start offering them bjs? Like... you realize there are a lot of miserable 5’10 males who have absolutely no success in any aspects of their lives as well?
Granted this is after my life experiences. Maybe had I been unable to “get the girl” and I had a poor experience where she rejected me and told me it was because of my height I’d feel different: but again, there are people with “Good brains” who would skip on and have no problem finding someone else because they have good brains (I am not one of those people, it would have probably destroyed me). Also, I’d imagine if I was say like 5’3 or something where you’re shorter than like 80% of girls (honestly a baseline prerequisite for most romantic relationships, as most women refuse to consider someone shorter than them), then maybe I’d feel very very differently about this whole heightism thing and feel much more bitter.