This is'nt mine. i just found it on a subreddit and found it hilarious.
Actual, legitimate benefits to being short:
- Less chance of stray bullet hitting you
- Can become a breakdancing monkey amuser for normies easier
- Fill out quicker in the gym (gymcels rejoice)
- Spend less money on food (poorcels ++)
- Saving money on dates since you don't have any
- Can fit in spaces, cars and chambers easier
- Maybe live longer than taLL Forumags, maybe...probably not due to suicide
- Play life on nightmare mode. Did you ever see a streamer being congratulated of beating game on "easy"? Nope. Beating game on
"nightmare" > beating it on "easy".
- Can dedicate life to other things than socialising and dating, like working in chemistry labs or writing books
- Less lethal gas required to kill yourself