They answered
Sounds good:)
jcayabo asked me in the past about how my PT showed me to walk straight. I unfortunately forgot to answer. In the end it was very simple. She just walked normally herself but very slowly to demonstrate each step. I just tried to do the same while balancing my body with the walker. I can imagine that walking is so natural to us that many of us aren't really aware of how we actually walk. During LL the way of walking changes and you get used to wrong habits. So I advise LLers to watch other people walking, ask them to do it very slowly or watch youtube videos on low speed.
Also the longer I stand on my feet the easier it gets to walk afterwards with less pressure from the pins.
For two days my left knee was hurting again severely and I know why. I had stretched it a lot the day before. It was the same situation when I was in Athens and the physiotherapists had stretched my feet a lot.
My right foot is now more flexible than the left one. Months ago it was the other way around.
Some pins sometimes hurt, underneath one of them there was a bubble like thing twice already. When I pressed it, reddish fluid came out. Sometimes the skin around a certain pin feels like burning when you touch it(not hot)
The symptoms of the clostridium difficile aren't completely gone.
I got used to wearing the frames. Time actually passes very fast. But I'm lucky as I rarely have to go outside and I have time until next autumn.