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Author Topic: Dr. Barinov (Volgograd, Russia) Centre of Anthropometrical Cosmetology  (Read 20996 times)

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Here are the response from Centre of Anthropometrical Cosmetology regarding Limb Lengthening surgery.

1) How many patients have you operated for cosmetic Limb Lengthening so far and How many patients do you operate yearly?

We've operated over 200 patients only for LL so far. Our clinic is not large and we can't accept more than 10 LL patients a year
The operating surgeon is Dr. Barinov.

2) What is the estimated total cost, including post-op treatments, stay, medications, physiotherapy? Are unscheduled surgeries covered and How much does a consultation cost?

The total cost of the contract, signed for 3 months is 12 500 euros including the surgery, physio, painkillers, accommodation and meals.  There are some extra expenses, as consultation, crutches and additional blood tests. We charge for consultation because the patient can refuse to do the surgery after it.

3) What kind of physical therapy is assigned to the patient?

The patient does physiotherapy while his staying in hospital, these are special exercises which help flexibility of joints.

4) What maximum amount of lengthening do you recommend per segment, regarding patient safety? What is the daily rate of lengthening?

Surgeons worldwide recommend to grow 5-7 cm, which is considered physiological. On an average patients grow 0.75 - 1 mm a day.  growing 8-9 cm requires up to 9-10 months of treatment.

I must say that the process of growing is very individual, some patients stop at 3-4 cm, others grow 9 cm and it's impossible to predict how the body will react to growing.

5)  What are your opinions regarding the weightbearing of the patients?

Some walk with crutches up to the day the frames are removed, and others start walking without crutches 2 months after the surgery. 

6)  How often will you follow up with patients during lengthening?

The doctors sees the patients almost every day and X-ray is done every month to see regeneration of the bones

7) How fast can patients return to normal life (walking without support)?  What is the time required to lengthen 5 cm and 7.5-8 cm ?

From my experience I can say that those who have well-trained strong  muscles grow harder, their muscles are very rigid. That's why we recommend our patients to stop running and start stretching exercises  before doing the surgery.

Irene Lisovenko,
Client Manager
Centre of Anthropometrical (Orthopaedical) Cosmetology and Correction
Volgograd, Russia
Phones: +7 8442 38 39 27 (call from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM (GMT +03:00))
Skype name: volga-volga6
E-mail :   
« Last Edit: March 31, 2014, 01:46:26 PM by Admin »


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Hey good news for Barinov prospects; Dr. Barinov will be travelling to the U.S. this year to study Dr. Paley's method of internal lengthening (Precise). No word of price as yet, but I'm sure it will be less than what is common in the States.


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That is amazing news indeed! How did you come by this information? Will he actually be studying with Dr. Paley, or merely studying Dr. Paley's method?


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Good question Tall  ;D

But this really is great news, it will still be expensive considering how much it cost to make the precice nails but nonetheless it'll still probably going to be cheaper than elsewhere, hopefully roughly the same price as Dr Birkholtz or lower.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 05:52:19 AM by ShortyMcShort »


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That is amazing news indeed! How did you come by this information? Will he actually be studying with Dr. Paley, or merely studying Dr. Paley's method?

I'll be having external tibial lengthening in Volgograd, so it was mentioned in my talks with his assistant. I'm told he will be studying directly with Dr. Paley. I almost want to wait for him to start this up and have internal lengthening done instead, but I've given myself a deadline so I'll likely be doing the external method for my tibias. Femurs, however, in a year or two afterwards is certainly a possibility. That a premature discussion for me at this time though.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 05:07:12 AM by LifesTooShort »


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So does this mean future Barinov patients going there for externals wont actually get the procedure done by Dr Barinov if he's going to the USA?

When are you having it done LifesTooShort and will you be writing a diary?


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So does this mean future Barinov patients going there for externals wont actually get the procedure done by Dr Barinov if he's going to the USA?

When are you having it done LifesTooShort and will you be writing a diary?

I'm sure he'll inform prospective patients of his availability and book them accordingly. I was originally going in September, but I'll have to delay it until January (at the latest) due to time constraints.


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Re: Dr. Barinov (Volgograd, Russia) Centre of Anthropometrical Cosmetology
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2014, 04:17:31 AM »

I don't understand the interest in this Barinov guy. From what I see his clinic looks like very bad choice. Firstly he gave RGKEY a jacked up bent leg, so he made a healthy person abnormal after surgery. How is that acceptable? Second there's a guy prince2 who was said by Russian authorities to have lied about purpose of visit when Barinov clinic told him to come on business visa. Also the same guy with the visa issue said Barinov said he should try walking on stairs during lenghening phase, which is stupid and dangerous.

You should avoid this clinic and go to Dr Bagirov instead or Dr Solomin if you are set on Russia.
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Re: Dr. Barinov (Volgograd, Russia) Centre of Anthropometrical Cosmetology
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2014, 10:04:47 AM »

I don't understand the interest in this Barinov guy. From what I see his clinic looks like very bad choice. Firstly he gave RGKEY a jacked up bent leg, so he made a healthy person abnormal after surgery. How is that acceptable? Second there's a guy prince2 who was said by Russian authorities to have lied about purpose of visit when Barinov clinic told him to come on business visa. Also the same guy with the visa issue said Barinov said he should try walking on stairs during lenghening phase, which is stupid and dangerous.

You should avoid this clinic and go to Dr Bagirov instead or Dr Solomin if you are set on Russia.

I am not too keen on 'hearsay' slagging of the doctors . Is there any way we can view a patient diary of RGKEY or talk to him directly ?

His imput as an actual patient would be something I could take seriously.


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Re: Dr. Barinov (Volgograd, Russia) Centre of Anthropometrical Cosmetology
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2014, 01:35:01 PM »

I don't understand the interest in this Barinov guy. From what I see his clinic looks like very bad choice. Firstly he gave RGKEY a jacked up bent leg, so he made a healthy person abnormal after surgery. How is that acceptable? Second there's a guy prince2 who was said by Russian authorities to have lied about purpose of visit when Barinov clinic told him to come on business visa. Also the same guy with the visa issue said Barinov said he should try walking on stairs during lenghening phase, which is stupid and dangerous.

You should avoid this clinic and go to Dr Bagirov instead or Dr Solomin if you are set on Russia.
1. He lengthened 9 cm, bending at this length is much easier
2. He fixes problems without charging extra money
3. U get what u pay for, Beijing is similar if not worse but twice as much
4. RGKEY was half-fat


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Re: Dr. Barinov (Volgograd, Russia) Centre of Anthropometrical Cosmetology
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2014, 09:23:40 PM »

I am not too keen on 'hearsay' slagging of the doctors . Is there any way we can view a patient diary of RGKEY or talk to him directly ?

His imput as an actual patient would be something I could take seriously.

His diary is on here you can see it easy. It isn't so hard to criticise a doctor who leaves you with a deformed leg. RGKEY is happy for his 9 cm but most patients would find that end result unacceptable.

1. He lengthened 9 cm, bending at this length is much easier
2. He fixes problems without charging extra money
3. U get what u pay for, Beijing is similar if not worse but twice as much
4. RGKEY was half-fat

It is doctor's job to monitor as the lengthening goes on. How he did not see that his leg was on the course to be bent so much just shows uncaring behavior on part of the doctor. RGKEY's "fat" at that point in time makes no difference. Your leg should never bend that much.
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Re: Dr. Barinov (Volgograd, Russia) Centre of Anthropometrical Cosmetology
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2015, 10:38:02 PM »

It says the contract is 3 months - and that it includes;  surgery, physio, painkillers, accommodation and meals.  There are some extra expenses, as consultation, crutches and additional blood tests. We charge for consultation because the patient can refuse to do the surgery after it.

Does that mean for the 3 months contract, you are actually provided with accommodation for '3 Months'?


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Re: Dr. Barinov (Volgograd, Russia) Centre of Anthropometrical Cosmetology
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2015, 11:31:21 PM »

It says the contract is 3 months - and that it includes;  surgery, physio, painkillers, accommodation and meals.  There are some extra expenses, as consultation, crutches and additional blood tests. We charge for consultation because the patient can refuse to do the surgery after it.

Does that mean for the 3 months contract, you are actually provided with accommodation for '3 Months'?



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Re: Dr. Barinov (Volgograd, Russia) Centre of Anthropometrical Cosmetology
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2015, 07:15:43 PM »

Is this still updated, can someone give a comfirmation about this please


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Re: Dr. Barinov (Volgograd, Russia) Centre of Anthropometrical Cosmetology
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2015, 09:13:56 AM »

So scary, bros! :o


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Re: Dr. Barinov (Volgograd, Russia) Centre of Anthropometrical Cosmetology
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2015, 01:16:14 PM »

The same I've explained about Kurgan Ilizarov center could be posted here. Russia's crisis is extremely grave, not only for the country itself, but for the rest of the European Union. There are geopolitical risks associated with what has happened in Ukraine and what is still happening, and this could affect our future prospects of LL in Russia. I would have chosen Russia if this had not happened, because they are the most experienced in externals.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2015, 02:10:10 PM by heightangel »


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Re: Dr. Barinov (Volgograd, Russia) Centre of Anthropometrical Cosmetology
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2015, 11:35:23 AM »

yeah but the Russians sure as hell beat the Indians and Chinese, even with the space race :D


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Anyone know if the accommodations are in the hospital or in the Barinov Institute ? What I like about this package is that everything is together including the physio


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Anyone know if the accommodations are in the hospital or in the Barinov Institute ? What I like about this package is that everything is together including the physio

You can stay in the hospital or clinic (Barinov Institute). There is no physio.


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Anyone know if the accommodations are in the hospital or in the Barinov Institute ? What I like about this package is that everything is together including the physio

yeah that's a good point


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It specifically says there is. Is it no longer?


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It specifically says there is. Is it no longer?

There is no physiotherapist coming and doing passive stretching with you every day. There is a room where you can do physio. Thats it.

You can do phyiso by yourselft. If you dont do stretching for hours during lengthening phase for yourself you will get ballerina, knee bending and/or foot inversion.
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