Don't give any more information about your YouTube channel (unless you intend going public with your CLL).
Best of luck with your Stryde journey.
Yes good point! I actually am thinking of making a documentary style Youtube video to document the jounrney. When I was first year university I went through chronic depression when I had a reality check that the average girl was taller than me. I felt like a man stuck inside a child's body, among college kids. I litterally cried almost every single day, to the point where I thought of killing myself. I felt like everyone else was so spoiled! People complain about things there were real solutions to. I had friends who were overweight who would just complain, when they could just go to the gym for a year or two and fix that. On the other hand, I felt helpless, I felt like no matter how much "work" i put in to getting taller, it was just physically impossible. I didn't know that LL was a possibility! Im sure there are 1000's of kids out there who were in the same position as me crying theirself to bed wishing for a chance to effect their height. The goal of the documentary is to give hope & shed light on the reality that there IS a possibility but it takes alot of work
anyway that was my mini rant haha, we'll see if I end up uploading the video or not, but I will at LEAST film the documentary for sure because I'd like to write this entire surgery off as a business expense which I could only do if I filmed it (maybe)
From what Angelique told me (she is responsible for all appointments)
for the first 2-3 weeks I will be in a wheelchair so I will need
- a hotel with wheelchair transporation (they sent me a list of options)
- a caretaker
I went ahead and asked my friend if he would be down to fly out to West Palms (flight covered by me), live with me for 3 weeks as I have a job opportunity for him. I told him I'd give him $1000 Canadian & he agreed. To me this is a win because the caretakers quoted me $10,000 USD for 2 weeks of care, screw that!
after I stay in the hotel for 2-3 weeks, I will be living in an Airbnb (booking that now ish) for the rest of the 3 months