Also women want a good looking guy with confidence and social status,good build,good physique,money,i assume you have all these things right?And while i'm sure you see 6'1 girls and 6'4 guys regularly that doesn't mean there not in the top 5 percent man.
I did not say it will solve all my problems,It will solve one problem. How is that 5 percent if every second guy or girl is above 6 ft. Or 6ft 2? That does not even make sense. If I would record a video, walking a around the streets or in university you would clearly think different than now. How do you get confident if girls write on their profile don't message me if you aren't above 6'2ft, because girls are mostly at least 1.83m tall without even wearing high heels.
Or if she tells you, you are too short she prefers tall guys? I am already almost 30years old. I approached over thousand of girls in the street in the club on the internet. It is always the same. They reject me because of my height and my face. They explicity mentioned it.
Good looking is a confusing term. Good looking comes with a decent height, too. If you are small like me people don't take you serious, being a midget among 100 people does not make you look attractive. I do have a 6 out of 10 face too, which is also a pronlem, that will be also be solved soon. But first I want to focus on my height first.