Hello everyone,
7.monthDon t worry, I m not dead
you know, the second stage is like a first stage, but I want to give some crucial details about my physical progress and experience.
Key points:-Number 1: I recommend strongly that before you do operation, do lots of quadriceps strech, of course other parts are so important but Quadriceps is a kind of strong muscle and Vastus lateralis which is one of the quadriceps muscle,streching it is effectively impossible during the treatment when your muscle start to become tight. The only way is massage.Keep your muscles flexible.
-Number 2 : After surgery,when swelling goes down, keep your joints as mobile as possible by riding bicycle and using skateboard would be perfect option to maintain knee flexion and extension( sitting somewhere and doing forward backward)
-Number 3: absolutely doing 3-4 times physiotherapy per week.
so I reached almost 5cm for other leg, I walk with 2 crutches and stand full weight bearing on first operated leg.i had a minor infection on knee, I really didn't understand how it happened and it disappeared in a week( Monegal recommended me some antibiotics). I realised that second leg is much better than first leg as a flexibility, lengthening, muscle tightness etc but of course mentally it s not a walk in park.
it s early to conclude that everything is perfect or bad but I m fine. I visit Dr Monegal next month. I write details.
People reactions : I met my old friends. I swear that first question is you are so tall, what happened to you? I say I weighed down( really lost 10 kg) and had postural problems, bla bla and I'm laughing
and I say my ego is a little bit high not my height
Meanwhile I keep in touch with people whom I met in Mic. A man who is 50 years old and did 5 cm (from Madrid), he sent me walking and climbing stairs video, his 7 months after initial operation, he has unbelievable joint range of motion.
Another guy from Mexico who did 7,5 and finished lengthening last month proportional looks good, he was trying to ride stationary bicycle but he needs time. A guy from Egypt did second leg after one year ( I asked the reason) He said he was so busy because of job.He was looking good and did second leg.
so Friends, recover recover recover , time time time. 3 words to describe my life. I will continue to share my experiences and will make video for you as soon soon I can able to walk and perhaps run video in future. but I m here, don't worry.