I am an elite athlete in every sense of the word and I always was. I think about how my athleticism is gonna be messed up every single day. Too bad, sucks for me...Cuz i'm getting LL. I might even do two segments.
I live one life, I make the decisions I do, then I die. I had a time where I was a great athlete, now I can retire that (although devastating at such a young age as i'm even several years younger than you) and now I can live being an above average in height person.
Perfect example of not being able to have the cake and eat it too. Although it's completely and utterly false because nature gave many people cakes that they can eat too and they have the best of every world.
You only can't have the cake and eat it too when you're given shxt genetics. I am not thankful or grateful for the natural athleticism I was given. No matter what....Short = Bad genetics. I excelled DESPITE my limitations, not because of them.
I've been done with that "thankful" attitude for a while now.
I'll do two segments and then i'll recover to MAYBE 60% of my former athleticism after a couple years. But hey, "At least i'll be able to walk, there are people out there who are crippled somewhere that i've never met!!"