Thats because literally no one can run properly after having the surgery, no matter how long recovery. The reason the running vids you see online are slow is because having limb lengthening permanently ruins your running and athleticism. The reason people dont post before videos is because they dont want to show you how much worse their running is because of shame or whatever. If you need to run or want to keep your athleticness, dont have the surgery ever.
I guess it's an otherworldly or divine event that my walk and gait are flawless and fully back to normal, and I can run
completely properly after LL, as well as starting to sprint, since, according to you literally no one can do it.
There is so SO SO SO much misinformation on this procedure and outcomes. If you want to return like you were before:
1) Choose the absolute best doctor possible. In the US, I would only use Paley/Rozbruch (coin toss, depending on whether you need structure with PT or you are better on your own) or Assayag as 2nd choice. Others will get there, it will just take time
This isn't something to cheap out on if you want the best possible outcome.
2) Go into the surgery as flexible as possible with your lower extremities
3) PT
every day, take supplements, rest, sleep
LISTEN TO YOUR DR. Don't be eager to walk, stand, etc. too fast. Follow protocol. The wheelchair sucks. But you have to be patient.
5) Put the work into your recovery. Add a little every day. Don't push beyond your limits. Stay consistent. Lots of hip flexor exercises, walking, leg press, leg extensions, leg curls, bridges (those are your best friend). Start with as little as you're comfortable with, add a little more as you get stronger
6) Once you can walk 3 miles without hurting and with normal gait, and you're cleared to run, ease into running. You're gonna wobble a bit at first. It doesn't last. Just run/walk, increasing running, decreasing walking every week.
Also work on your fast-twitch muscles. Start with jumping jacks, jumping in place, then small box jumps, light plylometrics, etc.
Aside from sprinting, which I just unlocked, I'm fully back to normal. I can sprint short distances, I just gas out. Just need to build endurance.
I know at least one other person who is almost back to normal, and have heard of many others who get similar results. You get what you pay for and what you put in. So stop trying to scare people.