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Author Topic: Changing your self image after becoming taller and maximizing your life:  (Read 5156 times)

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Changing your self image after becoming taller and maximizing your life: Part one

Two years after going through LLS I am fully on the way in my journey of changing my self image after becoming taller. Before LLS I felt small, incomplete and not like an actual adult. On the streets, or in the shops or at any social event I was always the small guy. The short one. The little guy. I was always very conscious about always not only being the shortest male, but also often the shortest person. Period. After reaching 177cm (from a starting pint of 165cm), and after being able to walk more and more normal as time progressed this height dysphoria slowly started fading into the past. And more than two years post surgery, it is all but a distant memory. In the beginning I had to recalibrate my brain and senses, and did this by comparing my new height with other adults. All of a sudden (in the context of being short as an adult for almost 20 years) being normal height is kind of a mindfk! But after a few months to maybe half a year of this my brain was recalibrated and now I seldom think about my height when out and about.

At 177cm I am pretty much average in male height now, and much taller than the average women. So on the street, in the shops or at social gatherings I am longer the short guy. I am just a guy, which is pretty awesome. Now, for the first time in my life I actually feel like a real adult. This change came pretty much naturally and I didn't have to work for it. Part one of changing my self image is complete.

Changing your self image after becoming taller and maximising your life: Part two

The reasons stated above, were my primary reasons for doing LLS. It was pretty straight forward, I was short and the only way to over that was becoming taller. The problem was clear, and so was the solution. But in the years leading up to me getting LLS I read many articles, studies and videos about how being short affects your attraction with women. So as time passed, this also become another reason for getting this surgery. Some studies even showed that I may be able to increase my dating pool by as much as 5-6 fold. I mean, I was skeptical about seeing such an improvement. But sure such a scenarios was appealing. I went into the surgery telling my self that I would be satisfied with zero increase in female attraction, because to me it felt too good to be true. But also, it was not the primary reason for doing this, but it would be a nice bonus.

The first year or so after LLS I was pretty much on crutches and didn't attend many social gatherings outside of my nearest friend or family groups. I also didn't drink alcohol for whole year, and really didn't go out until about 16-17 months post surgery. The increase in female attention hit me pretty hard at first. The first two months of me starting to go out I was shocked over the attention I was suddenly getting from the opposite sex. I've written specific threads about this, so for more detailed information please read those. From the age of 12 until I was 35, I had gotten maybe a handful of compliments about my looks from strangers (women), and maybe ten in total not counting serious girlfriends. So I was in no way, shape or form used to getting much, if any attention from women. Going out I would usually be invisible.

All of this suddenly changed over what felt like over night. At first I thought this may just be a coincidence, then I thought it may just be a strange anomaly. But as the weeks went on the attention from women, the looks when out, the compliments from strangers (mostly women) never stopped. As the weeks became months, and months became almost a year, I have had to - like above recalibrate my brain. But this recalibration was and still is much harder. At first I didn't believe the compliments, but now I expect to at least get one once a week, because I've gotten 54 compliments about my looks in the last 46 weeks from strangers. Compliments like you're handsome, good looking, hot, beautiful, attractive and you look like a fk-boy. Some from women in conversation and others randomly on the street in broad daylight, or by passing women in bars and on the dance floor.

Before I never dared approaching a stranger at a bar, and the few times I did I was nervous and probably awkward as hell. After literally having approached 300+ women since last May (getting those compliments made me date to approach more and more women, and the more positive responses I got the more I continued doing it), I now walk up confidently and expect to get a positive response. I have so many positive response from women that it has completely changed the way see and perceive them. Before I though confidence was something you could get through believing in yourself, and that I had it. Now I understand that I was far from confident before, and true confidence comes from experiencing positive after positive encounter with women and other people, over weeks, over months, over years, over decades.

Just in the past 10-11 months I have in many way become a new, different and better person. More confident, more relaxed, more optimistic. I realise that I only have 10-11 months of this under my "belt", and that I still have a far way to go. There is much more improvement to achieve. It has taken me close to a year to realise and start believing that most women actually find me attractive, but some days I still don't believe it. Since last fall I've grown close to a friend of mine who has a long as I can remember been chick magnet. He is the most confident person I've ever met. Because he's gotten compliments from people and strangers since he was a kid, he truly believes it and it is an inherent part of his identity. That is also my goal, to one day truly believe what I now hear on a weekly basis. But undoing 25+ years of my old identity is easier said than done. When the world has treated you a certain way for decades, when most women have ignored you for decades, when most women have rejected you for decades, undoing those experiences takes time, it takes work, it takes energy and it takes will.

I want to maximise this procedure, this experience, this what does feel like a second change at life. It feels like I've won the lottery, but at the same time it feels like a dream that I can wake up from at any moment. Going in to this procedure, I could never have imagined how becoming taller would change my life so much when it comes to women. I truly write down every compliment and positive encounter, because it still is unbelievable. I am now in my late 30s and am now dating three beautiful women in their mid to late 20s. Never ever thought I was gonna do that at this age. Part two of changing my self image will continue into the unforeseen future.

//Stand taller
Femurs with Dr Betz & Dr Becker 14/01/2022
Starting height: 165cm | Reached height: 177cm
Total lengthening: 11,5cm | Age: Mid 30s
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Great post! Can you post your before and after photos? I recently had a similar experience to you. I went from 165 to 179 and I’m still recovering so I haven’t gotten a chance to experience tall man pretty privilege. I think im fairly successful and handsome so im hoping my experience is similar to yours. Currently im still pretty bitter and black pulled due to decades of being treated like   for my short height. Did you have any similar feelings?


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Inspiring my friend.
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Why is this guy always writing these gay ass long essays on changing muh self image.

You were a turbomanlet now youre average height, yes good for you. 177 isnt even a big deal, its not like you went from 5ft to 6ft.

And can you stop babbling about how some expired late 20s sloots now give you the light of day? Who cares for these old bags anyway ?!

Talk to us when youre getting prime 19 yo and freshman college girls like what 190 cm guys get just by existing on the campus

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Why is this guy always writing these gay ass long essays on changing muh self image.

You were a turbomanlet now youre average height, yes good for you. 177 isnt even a big deal, its not like you went from 5ft to 6ft.

And can you stop babbling about how some expired late 20s sloots now give you the light of day? Who cares for these old bags anyway ?!

Talk to us when youre getting prime 19 yo and freshman college girls like what 190 cm guys get just by existing on the campus

Lol dudes is late 30s though. That is ancient to 19 yo girls so it's not like he can be hanging around campus. Guessing he is in 1st world countries, obviously different standards for women in the 3rd world. Assume you are in non Western country?


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What’s your vile opposition to him sharing his experience?


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What’s your vile opposition to him sharing his experience?


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I love reading this. It makes me more confident that I'm making the right decision to get this done next year. Congratulations!

Stand taller

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Why is this guy always writing these gay ass long essays on changing muh self image.

You were a turbomanlet now youre average height, yes good for you. 177 isnt even a big deal, its not like you went from 5ft to 6ft.

And can you stop babbling about how some expired late 20s sloots now give you the light of day? Who cares for these old bags anyway ?!

Talk to us when youre getting prime 19 yo and freshman college girls like what 190 cm guys get just by existing on the campus

This guy is writing these long ass essays because no one else is writing about these types of experiences, and most people seem to enjoy them. I wish more people would write about these types of experiences, especially before I did LLS.

5'0" to 6'0"? That's 152cm to 182cm dude, a 30cm increase. That's not even possible. And if you don't believe that 11,5cm increase is huge, then you don' know what you are talking about and me writing about this is all for better!

I am in my late 30s, and a women who is 10-15 years younger than me is pretty much a dream scenario. I am twice the age of a 19 year old, and am not the slightest interested in child like that. Obviously you are much younger than me, and we have different preferences.

You and other people think you have to be 190cm to pull chicks, that is a dangerous believe that just isn't true. And that is yet another reason for me to write about my experiences. I am living proof that at the average 177cm I am not pulling chick like none of my friends who are taller than me. I even pull more chicks than my friend who is over 2m tall. For women height is a hard threshold, you're either below or above. When I was 165cm I was below that threshold for 90/100 women, but now at 177cm I am now above that threshold for 90/100 women. That the difference.
Femurs with Dr Betz & Dr Becker 14/01/2022
Starting height: 165cm | Reached height: 177cm
Total lengthening: 11,5cm | Age: Mid 30s
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Great post! Can you post your before and after photos? I recently had a similar experience to you. I went from 165 to 179 and I’m still recovering so I haven’t gotten a chance to experience tall man pretty privilege. I think im fairly successful and handsome so im hoping my experience is similar to yours. Currently im still pretty bitter and black pulled due to decades of being treated like   for my short height. Did you have any similar feelings?

Congratulations man! That is an insane increase! If you are above average in looks, say a 6/10 you're gonna see a very substantial difference in female attraction. If you a 7 or 8/10 you're probably gonna see what I am seeing now, Can't wait to hear your stories after you are recovered enough to go out.

I have never had any high thoughts about my own looks, so it is still hard for me to gauge how attractive I am. But going of the responses and compliments I have gotten since May last year -  I would guess that I am very good looking. Maybe an 8/10.

I started watching some black pill content post surgery when I was lengthening and recovering. After going out for almost a year here are my thoughts on the black pill or dating and attraction.

1) The height threshold
Height is very important and is the first hurdle for attracting a women. From my experiences it the first hard threshold you as a man have to pass. You are either tall enough or not. Where this hard threshold lies is hard to tell, and will also differ from country to country, and even from women to women. I can confidently say that here in northern Europe 177cm seems to be above that threshold for most women. I can also confidently say that 165cm would be below that threshold for most women here. Looks don't matter if you don't pass this first hurdle.

2) The looks threshold
After you pass the height threshold, the next hurdle is the looks threshold. But remember, this threshold doesn't matter if you pass the height threshold. So every thing I write abut this assumes you are above that first hurdle. I don't think this threshold is as hard as the one above. What I mean is that, this is more a more fluid threshold. For example, say you're a 6/10 in looks - you'll certainly attract a few women. If you're a 7/10 then you'll attract even more, and if you're an 8 or 9/10 almost all women will find you attractive. I still think an average looking dude (5/10) that is say 177cm will do much better with women than a good looking dude (8/10) that is short at say 165cm. Most men are average, so for most men thinking about LLS - the close you can get to average height the better you will do with women.

I also think there is some merit to average looking men who are taller than average. I think this may give you an advantage compared to other average looking me who are average height with some women. But I don't think an 5/10 male who is say 190cm tall will be close to as attractive as a 177cm tall male who is 8/10. I think women will chose the average height good looking male 99/100 times.

Looks is a very powerful thing, and some times it can also get too powerful. Yes I have experienced many advantages in approaching women, where most women are open to conversation and even flirting, giving me their numbers, Snap, IG, going on dates and having sex etc. I have also experienced women being flustered, nervous, awkward and weird around me. This has happened several times -  I share several long stares with a women multiple times in a bar, club or dance floor. She is obviously attracted to me, so I walk over and say hi. Then the women either just says nothing an ignores me or she walks away. Women will often show clear signs or attraction, but will find you too attractive in the same way as if a really hot chick walked up to an average dude. It would activate is flight or fight response. Believe me, I have acted this was many times before in front of hot women. And women do the same thing.

Last September I met up with this girl at an after party, I had met her prior and she actually gave me her number. At this after party we sat down on the couch and she acted super weird and didn't even look at me when talking. After I while I said "what's up, why are you acting so weird and not even looking at me". She replied "it's because I think you very handsome".

3) Game and confidence
Once you pass hurdle 1 and 2, this is where game and confidence comes into play. Like hurdle number 2, this is even more fluid. Being tall enough and handsome will for many women be enough. I've met women where I passed threshold 1 and 2 with flying colours and it was done. They were into me. A few months back I met this girl with a boy friend who was so into me she snuck away from her boyfriend when out just to meet me. Other times though, me not having good enough game or confidence has made it or broke it. For average to above average women, I think height and looks are more than enough. The times I gotten compliments on the streets or on the dance floor has ofter been from average og above average women. Aggressive sexual offers have also been from the same type of women.

For me, where I have failed with women post LLS has been with really attractive and hot women, like with 8s and 9s. With these women I am the who gets flustered, nervous and where I lose my "cool". I've been approached by 8s and 9s in bars and clubs where it has triggered my flight or fight response. So for me, personally, this is where I have to keep working on my self. And truly embracing my new reality.

Femurs with Dr Betz & Dr Becker 14/01/2022
Starting height: 165cm | Reached height: 177cm
Total lengthening: 11,5cm | Age: Mid 30s
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You're fking wierd trying to make everything some kind of mathematical algorithm and talking about cut offs and 'hard' limits and 'this is totally the way attraction works bro'.

Reality is theres 4 billion women on the planet. All will care about some combo of looks and height but the relative importance of each of these will be dependent on the girl in question. One girl might choose the 175cm guy with a good face while another will just want a 185cm guy and not care as much about the face. You've seen both types of men dating when you go out on the street, I'm sure of it.

The real thing is - don't be excessively short OR excessively ugly. If you're either of those, you're gonna have a hard time, and if you're both, rope. Having a good face is a plus point, being tall is a plus point. There's really no need to try and offset one against the other or boil it down to some fking formula about 'thresholds' which don't exist. With the modern women being so hypergamous and entitled due to the 500 matches a day she gets on tinder, the reality is you're going to need both to have a decent sex life.

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Why is this guy always writing these gay ass long essays on changing muh self image.

You were a turbomanlet now youre average height, yes good for you. 177 isnt even a big deal, its not like you went from 5ft to 6ft.

And can you stop babbling about how some expired late 20s sloots now give you the light of day? Who cares for these old bags anyway ?!

Talk to us when youre getting prime 19 yo and freshman college girls like what 190 cm guys get just by existing on the campus
19 yo college sluts are nowhere as hot or hard to get as 25-30 yo good looking women.
Also no real man care about 19 yo sluts unless for maybe one night.

Stand taller

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You're fking wierd trying to make everything some kind of mathematical algorithm and talking about cut offs and 'hard' limits and 'this is totally the way attraction works bro'.

Reality is theres 4 billion women on the planet. All will care about some combo of looks and height but the relative importance of each of these will be dependent on the girl in question. One girl might choose the 175cm guy with a good face while another will just want a 185cm guy and not care as much about the face. You've seen both types of men dating when you go out on the street, I'm sure of it.

The real thing is - don't be excessively short OR excessively ugly. If you're either of those, you're gonna have a hard time, and if you're both, rope. Having a good face is a plus point, being tall is a plus point. There's really no need to try and offset one against the other or boil it down to some fking formula about 'thresholds' which don't exist. With the modern women being so hypergamous and entitled due to the 500 matches a day she gets on tinder, the reality is you're going to need both to have a decent sex life.

You can think I am weird all day long, but this is my personal experience after being 165cm tall as an adult for almost two decades, and then all off sudden being 177cm tall for less than a year going out to bars and clubs. The difference is night and day. I cannot deny that. And I was answering a comment on my thoughts on dating and back pill. So chill the heck out. If you don't like my answer, why are you on this thread? It is like going to a store and complaining about the decor, if you don't like it just leave like a normal person.

Lastly there is more than 70 years of research and many peer reviewed papers supporting how height is a hard threshold for most women (read what I actually wrote dude, most - NOT ALL) and how looks cannot be negotiated. A woman (again most, NOT ALL) is either attracted to you or not, there is no amount game or confidence that can make her attracted. All of this is supported by science.

You are free to believe what ever you want, but don't call people names for voicing an opinion that is supported by a whole bunch of research.

The research supports that these criterias have to met in this order:

Game (social skills)

Femurs with Dr Betz & Dr Becker 14/01/2022
Starting height: 165cm | Reached height: 177cm
Total lengthening: 11,5cm | Age: Mid 30s
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19 yo college sluts are nowhere as hot or hard to get as 25-30 yo good looking women.
Also no real man care about 19 yo sluts unless for maybe one night.

Well said my friend, well said!

Femurs with Dr Betz & Dr Becker 14/01/2022
Starting height: 165cm | Reached height: 177cm
Total lengthening: 11,5cm | Age: Mid 30s
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19 yo college sluts are nowhere as hot or hard to get as 25-30 yo good looking women.
Also no real man care about 19 yo sluts unless for maybe one night.

Lol, cope more.

You can think I am weird all day long, but this is my personal experience after being 165cm tall as an adult for almost two decades, and then all off sudden being 177cm tall for less than a year going out to bars and clubs. The difference is night and day. I cannot deny that. And I was answering a comment on my thoughts on dating and back pill. So chill the heck out. If you don't like my answer, why are you on this thread? It is like going to a store and complaining about the decor, if you don't like it just leave like a normal person.

Lastly there is more than 70 years of research and many peer reviewed papers supporting how height is a hard threshold for most women (read what I actually wrote dude, most - NOT ALL) and how looks cannot be negotiated. A woman (again most, NOT ALL) is either attracted to you or not, there is no amount game or confidence that can make her attracted. All of this is supported by science.

You are free to believe what ever you want, but don't call people names for voicing an opinion that is supported by a whole bunch of research.

The research supports that these criterias have to met in this order:

Game (social skills)

Strawman nonsense, I never said your 'game' matters (it certainly doesn't). Saying there's some hard limits for eveyrone tho is garbage. The reality is this: the uglier you are, the taller you need to be, and vice versa. It's all about being attractive overall relative to your competition.

At 165cm, you were too short for your face to compensate for it, but even if you had a Tom Cruise tier face (which you don't, as proven by your results as a manlet), you'd still be fishing in a lesser pool than your face would dictate because of the height. At 177cm, your height is much less of an issue and apparently your face/height combo is good enough to pull 30 yr old women, well congratulations for that I guess but it doesn't make you some authority or justify the endless motivational crap on here.

Lastly, if you want an echo chamber, reddit is that way. I'll feel free to criticise your or anyone elses posts as much as I like.

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Lol, cope more.

Strawman nonsense, I never said your 'game' matters (it certainly doesn't). Saying there's some hard limits for eveyrone tho is garbage. The reality is this: the uglier you are, the taller you need to be, and vice versa. It's all about being attractive overall relative to your competition.

At 165cm, you were too short for your face to compensate for it, but even if you had a Tom Cruise tier face (which you don't, as proven by your results as a manlet), you'd still be fishing in a lesser pool than your face would dictate because of the height. At 177cm, your height is much less of an issue and apparently your face/height combo is good enough to pull 30 yr old women, well congratulations for that I guess but it doesn't make you some authority or justify the endless motivational crap on here.

Lastly, if you want an echo chamber, reddit is that way. I'll feel free to criticise your or anyone elses posts as much as I like.

There was no strawman fallacy on my part, as I was the one talking about "game" before you commented on my post. I was merely expanding on my own point So please try to follow the continuity here, it could be beneficial to you.

You are the one strawmaning here. I have been clear that these hard thresholds applies to most, and not all. I explicitly ALL CAPS that for your TWICE in the last post, but somehow you missed it.

"The reality is this: the uglier you are, the taller you need to be, and vice versa" Finally you are making sense, I knew I would get though eventually. Jokes aside, it seems like we basically agree on the basics, but disagree on the details. Where you would says the taller the better, the shorter the worse, the more handsome the better the less handsome the worse. All I am doing is talking that one step further and saying if you below a certain height it doesn't matter how handsome you are, you'll be too short. As I said, this is also supported but research. On the other hand, once you are above a certain height, gaining more height will be with diminishing returns. A 3 or 4/10 male will see very little gains in attraction going from 165cm - 177cm, because he even if he passes the height threshold for most women, he won't pass the looks threshold.

We are basically saying the same thing dude, so I am glad we found some common ground. Difference is, you are actually claiming to know when using phrases like "the reality is" and I the one saying "in my opinion", "I think", "in mr experience". You are the one being very assertive and claiming to know, not me. I find that ironic.

Again just to be clear, in my opinion (and I never claimed to be an authority, so again another strawman on your part, but I'll let that one slide) I believe these criterias have to be met in this order to attract most women. And it goes without saying that the more attractive the women, the higher her standards will be (again, that is supported my research).

I never said I pull women 30 year old women, so third fallacy in one post - now that has to be a new record. I am currently dating a 24 year old, a 26 year old and a 28 year old. And I agree, that still does not make me an authority. So it is convenient that I never claim to be one wouldn't you agree?

This far you have only attack my views, experiences and thought. Furthermore you are the one with the fallacies, three of them in one post. All of this leads me to believe that you have no other intention than to attack and argue with me, and I therefore consider you a troll. And forum rules say, don't reply or argue with trolls. So I will not reply further to you, and nobody else should either.

I wish you luck, and I hope in the future you can open your mind more to other peoples opinions, experiences and ideas. I know it is hard, I was once in my 20s, but ten years ago I decided to grow, to listen and to get better with help from others.

Cheers and have a nice day mate!
Femurs with Dr Betz & Dr Becker 14/01/2022
Starting height: 165cm | Reached height: 177cm
Total lengthening: 11,5cm | Age: Mid 30s
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Inspiring. I am close to 28 and I am about to do it with Becker. I wish I could be in your stage already. 

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Inspiring. I am close to 28 and I am about to do it with Becker. I wish I could be in your stage already.

Yeah, I also did it with Becker. It will take time, pain and hard work - but you will get there mate!
Femurs with Dr Betz & Dr Becker 14/01/2022
Starting height: 165cm | Reached height: 177cm
Total lengthening: 11,5cm | Age: Mid 30s
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Were you able to work remotely? After what time you started to work at least for a few hours a day?


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Nice to see you still updating here.

Some from women in conversation and others randomly on the street in broad daylight

How does this work exactly, are you just in the middle of a random weekday as people go about their day with errands and such, and then women throw compliments at you on the sidewalk?  What kind of thing would they say?  Would just be nice with a more specific example, as I'm sure this is not a common experience for most people or a bit hard to visualize unless it was in a situation where the context matches it such as with drunk people walking or hanging out in a city's nightlife areas, some kind of festival or celebration, etc.

Quote from: Stand taller
I am currently dating a 24 year old, a 26 year old and a 28 year old

Now I got curious, how tall are these three women you're dating?

Has changing your height changed your own size/height preferences or how you perceive women's attractiveness otherwise?

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Nice to see you still updating here.

How does this work exactly, are you just in the middle of a random weekday as people go about their day with errands and such, and then women throw compliments at you on the sidewalk?  What kind of thing would they say?  Would just be nice with a more specific example, as I'm sure this is not a common experience for most people or a bit hard to visualize unless it was in a situation where the context matches it such as with drunk people walking or hanging out in a city's nightlife areas, some kind of festival or celebration, etc.

Now I got curious, how tall are these three women you're dating?

Has changing your height changed your own size/height preferences or how you perceive women's attractiveness otherwise?

Yes, it happened once when I was waiting for an Uber in broad day light on the sidewalk outside of the city centre. I locked eyes with this girl walking pass me, when she all off a sudden said "hi there handsome, gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked away". I was surely shocked and it all happened so quickly I didn't have any time to react.

All of the other times it has been when out at bars, clubs or festivals. Some times women will be very direct and say stuff like "you're very handsome right my face", other times the will send their friends over and say things like "my friend thinks you're handsome". Other times they say things randomly in passing when telling a story when in a group of people like for example "take you, you're attractive" as a part of what they are talking about.

These women are all around 165-170cm tall. Not it hasn't changed my preference actually, I still prefer women who are around 165-170cm. My last ex was actually 173 tall, and all the other have been around my height or a little taller actually.
Femurs with Dr Betz & Dr Becker 14/01/2022
Starting height: 165cm | Reached height: 177cm
Total lengthening: 11,5cm | Age: Mid 30s
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Yes, it happened once when I was waiting for an Uber in broad day light on the sidewalk outside of the city centre. I locked eyes with this girl walking pass me, when she all off a sudden said "hi there handsome, gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked away". I was surely shocked and it all happened so quickly I didn't have any time to react.

That's ... uh ... definitely an interesting story, regardless of how a guy looks, if she was sane and sober, and if she's not a prostitute looking for clients (some have been known to be quite aggressive).  How old was she?  What did she look like?  Was she alone?  So what happened then, she just walked off, you got in your Uber and that was it and you never saw each other again?  Never ever heard about something like that happening outside of nightlife type contexts, myself.  Getting unsolicited phone numbers on a note with no other interaction, sure... but not straight up being kissed and then nothing more.

The other examples you mention are much more recognizable.

Have you tried any online dating, before and after LLS?  As we know, looks and height are even harder thresholds there.


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That's ... uh ... definitely an interesting story, regardless of how a guy looks, if she was sane and sober, and if she's not a prostitute looking for clients (some have been known to be quite aggressive).  How old was she?  What did she look like?  Was she alone?  So what happened then, she just walked off, you got in your Uber and that was it and you never saw each other again?  Never ever heard about something like that happening outside of nightlife type contexts, myself

There's a very good reason for that - he's lying. OP, you need to dial back the larping a bit to make it believable. Inb4 'you're just jealous bro', which is always the go-to response of a guy writing Chad fantasies in his basement.

Put it this way: I live in Vietnam where I find it pretty easy to be meeting girls via online dating 4-6 times a week, and average a lay with a different girl every week. Unlike yourself though I'm not stroking myself off about it because at the end of the day any random white guy could come here and do exactly the same thing. The point is though, hundreds of matches a week, lots of girls interested etc, not a problem to be arranging dates for most days. I've banged 3 figures worth of these girls and I set my age cutoff to 22, so obviously my SMV is very high here, much higher than basically anyone's would be in America outside of the ultra elite (which, for the avoidance of doubt, you aint, you're 177cm and gunning for roasties).

Despite all that, you know how many times some girl has randomly kissed me in the street unsolicited? Never. Do you know how often it's happened to anyone else I know here? Never. Have I ever seen it happening to anyone when I've been going about my day? No. Actually, expanding this, has it ever happened to anyone I've ever seen or known of personally in Europe either, including guys who are much taller than you? Nope - as has been mentioned above, these cold approaches by women only happen in bars and nightclubs , and even then you have to be very tall/good looking for it.

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That's ... uh ... definitely an interesting story, regardless of how a guy looks, if she was sane and sober, and if she's not a prostitute looking for clients (some have been known to be quite aggressive).  How old was she?  What did she look like?  Was she alone?  So what happened then, she just walked off, you got in your Uber and that was it and you never saw each other again?  Never ever heard about something like that happening outside of nightlife type contexts, myself.  Getting unsolicited phone numbers on a note with no other interaction, sure... but not straight up being kissed and then nothing more.

The other examples you mention are much more recognizable.

Have you tried any online dating, before and after LLS?  As we know, looks and height are even harder thresholds there.

I'm guessing she was mid 20s and cute enough. I don't know, maybe she had been drinking - but I didn't get the sense she was drunk or anything like that. Prostitution isn't very prevalent my city, and this was also outside the centre. She may have been, but honestly that thought hasn't ever crossed my mind. I know it doesn't make much sense, but I've told this story to a few very attractive male friends and they have all experienced similar things. So I don't know how common or normal it is, but what I do know when it happened it took me completely by surprise I just stood there shocked. As I stood there shocked, she walked away and never saw her again....

Yes I have tried online dating, and it is much easier after becoming taller. I've been on like four dates from online dating since June last year, and none of them ever became much more. I have much more success in person, so I don't bother much with those apps anymore.
Femurs with Dr Betz & Dr Becker 14/01/2022
Starting height: 165cm | Reached height: 177cm
Total lengthening: 11,5cm | Age: Mid 30s
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I'm guessing she was mid 20s and cute enough. I don't know, maybe she had been drinking - but I didn't get the sense she was drunk or anything like that. Prostitution isn't very prevalent my city, and this was also outside the centre. She may have been, but honestly that thought hasn't ever crossed my mind. I know it doesn't make much sense, but I've told this story to a few very attractive male friends and they have all experienced similar things. So I don't know how common or normal it is, but what I do know when it happened it took me completely by surprise I just stood there shocked. As I stood there shocked, she walked away and never saw her again....

Not my intention to derail too much here with this, but probably you understand why this sparks more questions.  Was it like she was expecting you to respond differently than with shock after walking off?  Like if we try to imagine it from her perspective, did she suddenly decide to just kiss and compliment this stranger she saw in public, without any intended outcome, like getting his number, or even the other way around, purposely to leave him hanging just because she felt like she could?  Was she with someone else so that it could be a dare or kind of to show off to her friends?  (Ironic how this behavior is obvious sexual assault if the genders were reversed)

Did your friends that experienced similar situations react differently from what you did and was that also in non-party mid-day contexts like on a random sidewalk?


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Not my intention to derail too much here with this, but probably you understand why this sparks more questions.  Was it like she was expecting you to respond differently than with shock after walking off?  Like if we try to imagine it from her perspective, did she suddenly decide to just kiss and compliment this stranger she saw in public, without any intended outcome, like getting his number, or even the other way around, purposely to leave him hanging just because she felt like she could?  Was she with someone else so that it could be a dare or kind of to show off to her friends?  (Ironic how this behavior is obvious sexual assault if the genders were reversed)

Did your friends that experienced similar situations react differently from what you did and was that also in non-party mid-day contexts like on a random sidewalk?

Lol, the guy has only managed 4 dates on tinder in 10 months and you actually think he's getting cold approached by women in the street?

Newsflash: a proper Chad anywhere in the world will manage that in a couple of weeks absolute maximum. And even most of those aint getting randomly approached in the street. Guy is 100% a larper, I'd bet my life on it.

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Not my intention to derail too much here with this, but probably you understand why this sparks more questions.  Was it like she was expecting you to respond differently than with shock after walking off?  Like if we try to imagine it from her perspective, did she suddenly decide to just kiss and compliment this stranger she saw in public, without any intended outcome, like getting his number, or even the other way around, purposely to leave him hanging just because she felt like she could?  Was she with someone else so that it could be a dare or kind of to show off to her friends?  (Ironic how this behavior is obvious sexual assault if the genders were reversed)

Did your friends that experienced similar situations react differently from what you did and was that also in non-party mid-day contexts like on a random sidewalk?

No dude, you're all good. I'm writing here to share and to answer questions. Just ignore the trolls, no need to give them any attention.

She was alone, so not with anybody else. We shared like that stare prior, then she walked over said "hi there handsome" and gave me a kiss on the cheek - and not on the lips just to be super clear. It seemed like she just wanted to do that gesture, since she didn't stop to chat or anything. And tbh, as I said I was pretty shocked so kind of like froze if that makes sense? Yeah, it is funny how if it was the other way around it would not be okay.

Yes my friends have experienced similar things, on the street in broad daylight. If anything similar was to happen to me again, I would probably act very different. Remember I was "scared" to talk to girls out at bars a year ago, but now I can easily approach 5-10 girls in a evening when out.
Femurs with Dr Betz & Dr Becker 14/01/2022
Starting height: 165cm | Reached height: 177cm
Total lengthening: 11,5cm | Age: Mid 30s
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Lol, the guy has only managed 4 dates on tinder in 10 months and you actually think he's getting cold approached by women in the street?

Newsflash: a proper Chad anywhere in the world will manage that in a couple of weeks absolute maximum. And even most of those aint getting randomly approached in the street. Guy is 100% a larper, I'd bet my life on it.

did you see his thread about how he became a "chad"?

what a cringe fest, couldnt endure more than two paragraphs
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Since I find this fascinating I re-read the previous sub5/chad thread.

This thread:

Yes, it happened once when I was waiting for an Uber in broad day light on the sidewalk outside of the city centre. I locked eyes with this girl walking pass me, when she all off a sudden said "hi there handsome, gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked away". I was surely shocked and it all happened so quickly I didn't have any time to react.

That thread:

At first I thought it may have been luck, like that first day I was out in May. Later that night a random walking by when I was waiting for the buss walked up to me and said "hey there handsome" and gave me kiss on the cheek. I mean come on, I didn't even know that ever happened to anybody. So after that I started to take notes and write down my experiences so I could measure if it was all luck or a real change. And after seven months and more than 90 positive experiences with women I can confidently say the change is real and not just luck. In the past seven months I have experienced things I have NEVER experienced before. Like that random "hey there handsome" in May, those two girls on the dance floor on New Years, random girls coming up to me and calling me handsome, random girls I chat with a night clubs asking me why I haven't made a move on them, etc etc.

Was this two separate but similar happenings?  One was in broad daylight waiting for an Uber, the other at night waiting for a bus?

I remember reading the first one when it was posted but then didn't think much more of it since it was from a night out, when these things certainly happen because people are out drunk and partying.

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Since I find this fascinating I re-read the previous sub5/chad thread.

This thread:

That thread:

Was this two separate but similar happenings?  One was in broad daylight waiting for an Uber, the other at night waiting for a bus?

I remember reading the first one when it was posted but then didn't think much more of it since it was from a night out, when these things certainly happen because people are out drunk and partying.

Yes this was the same incident. I don't remember all the details about the day, so I may have gotten some of the times wrong. I was out day drinking with a few friends on like a Wednesday, and I was waiting for an Uber or Bolt at a buss stop. It was around 6 or 7 in the evening, or may even have been 8 - but it was like 2-3 kilometers outside the city centre and far from any night life. It was still light out though, that is what I mean when I said "broad day light", but it wasn't like noon.

Hope this clears up any confusion.
Femurs with Dr Betz & Dr Becker 14/01/2022
Starting height: 165cm | Reached height: 177cm
Total lengthening: 11,5cm | Age: Mid 30s
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Since I find this fascinating I re-read the previous sub5/chad thread.

This thread:

That thread:

Was this two separate but similar happenings?  One was in broad daylight waiting for an Uber, the other at night waiting for a bus?

I remember reading the first one when it was posted but then didn't think much more of it since it was from a night out, when these things certainly happen because people are out drunk and partying.

I found my original post written (in my original diary) like a few days after it actually happened:

"A little later while waiting for my Uber next to this bus stop this cute girl walks by, we locked eyes and smile at each other. As she gets closer she says "hi there handsome, walks up to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek". I don't even have time to react and now I am just smiling and laughing at this wild evening because the whole night has just been absurd. While I am standing there and laughing this other cute girl walks past with her boy friend (him on his phone) and because I'm still reacting to the situation that just happed I have a huge smile as I lock eyes with this girl walking with her boyfriend and she blushes as she smiles back at me. She gives me another look and smile as they walk past and a last spin, look and smile after she walked away."

I also checked my phone and it was a Yango a little before 19:00 on a Wednesday. I think I just wrote Uber because everybody know what an Uber is.
Femurs with Dr Betz & Dr Becker 14/01/2022
Starting height: 165cm | Reached height: 177cm
Total lengthening: 11,5cm | Age: Mid 30s
My diary:
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