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Author Topic: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic  (Read 17962 times)

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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #93 on: June 19, 2024, 10:16:51 AM »

4, Assault

The day before the surgery, with the IV route already in place, I was told that an x-ray was going to be taken.
When I told the interpreter that my leg was bent due to joint contracture of the knee, he said he would do something about it.
I was put on the x-ray table, and when the doctor gave me some instructions, I was taken down from the x-ray table and taken to another room.
There, I was told that I could not undergo surgery without external fixation and that I had to do rehabilitation.
I insisted that the amount of extension had been measured by x-rays from the side, and that I would have the leg length difference determined by x-rays of the entire lower limb, but the other party ignored me.
I told them that I would write a written oath and ask them to remove it, but they said that if I did that, they would later write bad things about me on the Internet.
But they wouldn't take me up on the offer because they said that if I did, they would write something bad about me on the Internet later.
They also told me that the doctor ordered me to stay in the hospital for 2 weeks.
I learned later that they were not going to let me leave the country. I found out later that this was to prevent me from returning to Japan.
This was the reason why I was hospitalized even though they were not going to remove the external fixation.
Naturally, I was discharged from the hospital after that, but they charged me for the wasted hospitalization expenses.
In my room, the office manager called out loudly for me to sharap.
The interpreter didn't translate what I said, only what they insisted.
They also claimed that the rehab fee was explained to me beforehand.
This was the purpose of the sharap.
KC's demand was that I should receive rehabilitation twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon.
(Actually, two sessions each in the morning and afternoon, worth 80,000 yen a day.)
When I said that was impossible, the office manager bowed and said "kamsahamnida~" and was about to leave.
 and was about to walk away. The conversation here was a threat to remove the external fixation
The conversation here was a threat of external fixation.
The conversation ended there and I was taken to the rehabilitation room.
At that time, I was in so much pain that I screamed out loudly.
Shallap again," the office manager shouted at me! the office manager shouted.
He restrained my arms and covered my mouth.
After that, the physical therapy continued in tremendous pain,
They said it was to see my current condition, but it was just an assault.
 I told the interpreter that any more was assault! I told him I would call the police.
The interpreter ignored him.
On the contrary, I had to explain to the other patients why I was shouting so loud! He cursed me.
My father was instructed by the hospital to go to another floor.
He did not follow the instructions.
The assault was premeditated.
The next day, they did the same thing to him,
He was taken to a back room to continue his physical therapy.
I could not take it any longer, so I told them that I would change my flight schedule and that I wanted to take it slow, and with that I was finally released from the assault.
From the perspective of the victimized author, it was almost like a lynching.
Of course, I had to pay the fee for changing the flight.
The hospital set up rehabilitation four times a day without our permission,
The rehabilitation fee was over 20,000 yen per session, so the total cost was 90,000 yen per day.
When my father said he could not pay this, the fee was reduced to 40,000 yen the next day.
At this time, the doctor also ordered him to be hospitalized for two weeks (the hospitalization cost was 10,000 yen per day). (The hospitalization cost was about 10,000 yen per day.) I refused and managed to get out of it.
Apparently, this was to prevent me from leaving the country.
I felt that I could return for an extension if I wanted to.
My feelings at that time
I was set up... I should call the embassy... No, it is impossible because it is a non-intervention by a civil law... I don't care if I was assaulted or not, I can't go against the hospital as long as the external fixation is attached and cannot be removed in Japan... What should I do... I didn't know this would happen....


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #94 on: June 19, 2024, 10:17:58 AM »

5,Paying 40,000 yen every day just for rehabilitation
After that, I spent every day paying more than 40,000 yen for rehabilitation.
A few days after being discharged from the pointless hospitalization, I was told in the treatment room that the bending of my knee had improved considerably.
The head of the office came to check on my knee, but he shook his head and left without even looking at the condition of my knee. He shook his head and walked away without even examining the condition of the author's knee.
When my father asked the office manager what he was going to do if he exceeded the three-month period of visa-free stay in Korea, the office manager replied, "That will never happen.
This suggests that he was planning to exploit my father's fee by making me undergo rehabilitation for a certain period of time from the very beginning. In other words, it didn't matter what the bend in my knee was.
In the end, even though the purpose of the rehabilitation was to accurately measure the amount of extension, no adjustment to the amount of extension was necessary even after the final x-rays were taken, and the rehabilitation ended without adjustment.
Most of the rehabilitation had nothing to do with knee bending, but rather with bending the knee to increase range of motion.
The physical therapist who worked on me was apparently out of work and could do four sessions every day without a problem, and the time could easily be changed.
The rehabilitation was rough and I was constantly bleeding from the pin site.
When I checked with the interpreter about the bleeding, he looked distant.
He didn't look at me and just said it was normal.
They said it was because he had not been rehabilitated before.
Even though I was doing rehabilitation, the bleeding continued.
I later asked the physical therapist not to pull too hard when touching my body
I asked him not to touch the pin site and the bleeding improved.
In the midst of all this, I did not see a doctor for over two weeks.
What would he do if it got infected?
In fact, as predicted, going to rehab every day for rehabilitation was a road trip, falls, car accidents, etc.
It was dangerous, and it would have been impossible for him to go to rehab every day without a caregiver.


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #95 on: June 19, 2024, 10:18:54 AM »

Such a situation lasted for more than two weeks, and the hospital was at odds with him.
The interpreter told my father that he should return to Japan! The interpreter told my father that he should return to Japan!
After two weeks, when my father asked for an x-ray, a doctor finally came, examined him, and said that an x-ray could be taken if the knee was bent in this way.
The office manager even came in during the examination and listened to what I had to say.
The hospital or the office manager probably wanted to delay the removal of the external fixation device for as long as possible and use it as a hostage to extract money for rehabilitation.
What consistently strikes me as odd is that the office manager, who is not a doctor, has the authority to intervene and interfere in knee bends, treatment plans, and so on.
The rehabilitation fee paid to KC ended up exceeding 1 million yen.
From October 25 to November 15, when he was out of the external fixation, he was treated by the office manager as if he were a doctor.
The office manager was making all kinds of decisions about the author's treatment, as if he were a doctor.
When I asked to speak with a doctor, I was told that it was impossible; first of all, the interpreter answered at his own discretion, and then he told me that he had no idea what to do.
The interpreter first responded on his own judgment and did not even inform the office manager, and it was useless even if my father told him.


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #96 on: June 19, 2024, 10:19:28 AM »

6, then
After removing the external fixation, I stayed in Korea for about two weeks and returned home.
When I returned to the hotel after having the external fixation removed, I cried and rejoiced with my father that I was finally free from that hospital.
After returning to Japan, I went for an x-ray.
The bone had almost formed within six months, and all that remained was to wait for the bone to mature into a more normal bone.
But one problem was discovered: the distal part of his left leg was fractured.
The pin site is the starting point.
I don't know when the fracture occurred, if it was during extension, it's not a problem, but if it was during rehabilitation, we need to remove the external fixation of the wound as soon as possible. By the way, I have not heard from KC about the fracture, let alone the doctor.
The scariest thing is that when it comes to money, that takes precedence over medical matters.
Rehab while pin sites are bleeding carries the risk of pin site infection and eventually deep infection.
Also, in the case of the pin site fracture, if the patient had been wearing the external fixation for longer than that, there was a risk of a transverse fracture of the whole body.
If the pin site fracture had been kept in place for any longer, there was a risk of a transverse fracture of the entire body.
The reason why the rehabilitation was unusually painful may have been because of that fracture.
It is unclear whether the fracture occurred during the extension or due to the rough rehabilitation, but we would not expect a sincere answer from the hospital.
They told me on line that they were not trying to make money, but they can say whatever they want with their mouths.
That rehab rather increased the risk of complications.
The knee bending was done by the office manager during the process and he shook his head without even looking at the bending of my knee. I guess he was planning from the beginning not to remove the external fixation in order to extract money for rehabilitation, so he was going to say that the knee was still bent, making it difficult to determine how bent it was.
It's not right for a hospital to have the office manager, who is not a doctor, meddle so much in medical matters.
I have a feeling of distrust...well, I have nothing but distrust now.
Even now, when I recall the time when the office manager held my mouth and arm and rehabilitated my broken bone site with extreme pain, my heart still pounds just by listening to his loud voice.
The amount of extension was shortened by the rehab and the fracture, and my left leg shrunk to 2,7 cm.
I really regret not having done this with KC.


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #97 on: June 19, 2024, 07:05:56 PM »

If it wasn't for your post, I would have most likely gotten surgery at Yonsei Kim hospital. But your post gave me so much doubt and negative feelings towards Yonsei Kim. Every story has two sides. I am sure Yonsei has their own side of your story. But there is a grain of truth to every story. And your story seems to have many grains of truth. I've watched their Youtube videos.  And I couldn't help notice how negatively Dr. Chung talked about his past patients. Why talk badly about your past patients? Do you know why I've asked you if you did Tibia surgery in Vietnam?  Because Dr. Chung was talking very badly about a Japanese patient who did his tibia surgery in Vietnam on his Youtube video. And that the Japanese patients is posting negative comments about him and his hospital. I don't understand why they would air out their dirty laundry on a public social media forum like Youtube. Their lastest Youtube video about their contract.  That video was meant for me.  Because I've asked them to see the contract.  Because if I can't see it on contract, I don't believe you. You say you have this special sale for Month of June and July.  But how can I believe that unless I see it on writing. They could charge me so many hidden fees and expenses after I sign their contract. So when they said they don't send contract via email, that's when I knew they were full of crap. And I thought about how they won't send you your xray images via email and so on. Dr. Chung said on his video you are mad at them because they won't measure your overall height gain on your femur. But he didn't mention you being assaulted and battered by office manager Shin. Maybe Shin and Dr. Chung are good friends. I don't know. Also, the person I was corresponding with tells everything back to Dr. Chung.  It's like she is his eyes and ears. So I had problem with them not sending their contract. So next day they make a Youtube video about their contract.  I couldn't believe what I was seeing on Youtube. Just because I had a problem with them about their contract, they make a Youtube video about it. Also, I had concern about getting a quadrilateral surgery.  Guess what? Next day they made a Youtube video about the fears of quadrilateral surgery. They are wild and out of control. I am very glad I didn't send even one dime to them. They wanted a 10% downpayment on their surgery. But without a valid contract for me to see, hell no I am doing that. This will probably be my last post on Yonsei Kim. Please be wary of this hospital. If they mistreat one patient like Shi, they will do the same to you. At least they have the potential and ability to especially if you are an international patient in a foreign land where you have limited rights.


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #98 on: June 20, 2024, 01:50:16 AM »

They said they value their internet reputation. But their actions are the exact opposite, assaulting patients, I don't think they care about their internet reputation, I really don't understand.


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #99 on: June 21, 2024, 08:54:43 AM »

recently they made aX account and attacked me


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #100 on: June 22, 2024, 06:41:38 AM »

I wrote some my diaries by DEEP L traslation.


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #101 on: June 24, 2024, 01:46:09 AM »

Yes the clinic is unique and strange management.
The clerk shin has strong power like a doctor.
So he can interpreter CLL patients.


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #102 on: June 25, 2024, 11:48:42 AM »

The clerk shin can act as doctor in this strange hospital.
He get angry easily and beat patients.


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #103 on: July 01, 2024, 07:11:18 AM »

Is anyone have done or will do LL on yonsei kim?


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #104 on: July 05, 2024, 02:16:11 AM »

rencetly they started to do japanease patients marketing


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #105 on: July 05, 2024, 10:11:35 AM »

Hello, this is Yonsei Kim & Chung. It is truly sad to hear things that are not true and stories that exclude other important details. You had tibia lengthening surgery in Vietnam in 2019, but the results from that surgery were not good.  You told us that you had to receive treatments in Japan for several years to recover from that surgery that you had in Vietnam. When you came to our hospital for a consultation in 2023, your knee condition was really bad; it could not fully extend and was significantly bent. We thoroughly explained the condition of your knee at that time and that you would need to spend a great amount of time on physical therapy in order to improve your knee condition. Yet you still wanted to have the femur surgery, so we proceeded with the surgery.  The surgery went well, you stayed at our hospital for 7 days, and then returned to your hotel. However, after being discharged from the hospital, you neglected physical therapy, didn’t do physical therapy.  Your father told us that you didn’t do physical therapy at all for almost a month. Due to the lack of physical therapy, your knee condition didn’t improve. To have the second surgery (removing external fixators), you needed to have fully extended knees. Dr. Chung explained to you that it would be difficult to perform the second surgery (removing external fixators) if your knees were bent. Nevertheless, you insisted on removing the external fixators before returning to Japan in two weeks.  We told you 2 weeks were too short, but you said you already booked the flight, and you must do it in 2 weeks. We explained to you that to make that possible, we had to straighten the bent knee caused by the failed surgery in Vietnam. We also had many discussions with your father, he was fully aware of your condition at that time, so decided to work hard on physical therapy for two weeks. That's why we had to intensify the physical therapy to improve the bent condition of your knees in such a short period of time, so we can remove the external fixators within your requested time frame. It might have been difficult during the session, but you left the hospital without any issues after each session. We also gave you a discount on physical therapy, because you needed many sessions of physical therapy, and we wanted to help ease the burden of the physical therapy cost.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2024, 10:48:22 AM by limbmessage »


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #106 on: July 05, 2024, 05:44:55 PM »

This video has physical therapy sessions.
You can find how Shi's physical therapy went (starting around 3:30).


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #107 on: July 05, 2024, 05:45:25 PM »

SHI's physical session starts around 3:30.
It's a video of SHI's physical therapy, which he described as "violent and an assault".
Please watch it and make your own judgement.
We heard that various rumors were being spread by Shi, but we did not respond.
However, as the severity increased and more false stories were being circulated, we felt it necessary to respond.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2024, 06:36:55 PM by limbmessage »


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #108 on: July 05, 2024, 05:46:13 PM »

Last check-up video
« Last Edit: July 05, 2024, 07:07:49 PM by limbmessage »


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #109 on: July 05, 2024, 06:18:04 PM »

To Johnjohn2024,
In my understanding, one of our staff sent you the surgery invoice which included the total cost and things included in the price.
The invoice itself works as a contract for the financial part, and the surgery agreement is a different document that covers the details of the surgery.
Our staff emailed you the reason why we can't send you the surgery agreement via email: it is lengthy and needs to be reviewed with the doctor.
We use our YouTube channel as the main platform to provide valuable information and resources to individuals considering surgery.  Through our channel, we share detailed videos that explain the various procedures, answer frequently asked questions, and other insights.  Our goal is to ensure that viewers have access to comprehensive and accurate information to help them make informed decisions about the surgery. It's really unfortunate that our videos are being misinterpreted.


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #110 on: July 06, 2024, 12:28:52 AM »

This story is not correct.
The most important problem is suffocated me and capped my mouth
by the clerk shin.
but they dont show the video about that time.
At first time, they set up 4session PT a day which cost me
800USD a day for without my permission.


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #111 on: July 06, 2024, 12:30:57 AM »

What I pointed out the assult is
when with the clerk shin also come with this PT room
and cap my mouth and suffocate me.
So this is not THE ASSULT what I intedede.


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #112 on: July 06, 2024, 12:34:59 AM »

Please up load the session, October 25,26 session
when the clerk shin also came with PT room,
he screamed me so many times ,and have done violence.
This video is normal session. There is no evidence
not to doning you violnece.


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #113 on: July 06, 2024, 12:56:45 AM »

FALSE:We thoroughly explained the condition of your knee at that time and that you would need to spend a great amount of time on physical therapy in order to improve your knee condition.

TRUE:There was no explain about knee beding, there was only drs consultation.

FALSE:Yet you still wanted to have the femur surgery, so we proceeded with the surgery.

TRUE:They accpeted me smothly.

FALSE;Dr. Chung explained to you that it would be difficult to perform the second surgery

TRUE:Dr,chung didnt explained me about that,even we requested, We could not talk

FALASE:We also had many discussions with your father, he was fully aware of your condition at that time, so decided to work hard on physical therapy for two weeks.

TRUE;We ask so many times  to remove extenal fixtiators,but the clerk shin didnt
do that,there was no opinion about this matter by our side.


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #114 on: July 06, 2024, 12:59:59 AM »

FALASE: We also gave you a discount on physical therapy, because you needed many sessions of physical therapy, and we wanted to help ease the burden of the physical therapy cost.

TRUE: After my father told me we can not pay PT cost 800USD for a day, they discounted


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #115 on: July 06, 2024, 01:14:36 AM »

The physical therapist who worked with me in the video above had no work and a lot of free time.
This allowed the physical therapist to perform just for me 4 times a day, they wanted to kill that physical therapist's spare time.


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #116 on: July 06, 2024, 02:00:53 AM »

FALSE:We explained to you that to make that possible,

TRUE:I gave up go back to japane in 2weeks ,because they assult me,
I begged them with crying to stop violence


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #117 on: July 06, 2024, 02:02:25 AM »

and I have to pay the fee changing flight ticket it costed me 500USD


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #118 on: July 06, 2024, 02:07:58 AM »

Of course I am at fault, but the story they have told here is only what is convenient for them, I was not able to return home within two weeks, I have a broken bone that is currently untreatable, and the hospital went to the trouble of making a video to attack a specific patient, and they did it without the patient's permission. I think it is problematic for a hospital to go to the trouble of making a video to attack a specific patient and then show it to patients without permission.



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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #119 on: July 06, 2024, 05:30:26 AM »

SHI's physical session starts around 3:30.
It's a video of SHI's physical therapy, which he described as "violent and an assault".
Please watch it and make your own judgement.
We heard that various rumors were being spread by Shi, but we did not respond.
However, as the severity increased and more false stories were being circulated, we felt it necessary to respond.


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #120 on: July 06, 2024, 08:04:26 AM »

This is not a video of what I would call an assault.
Are you doing this on purpose?
There is a separate video of the clerk assaulting him.


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #121 on: July 06, 2024, 01:07:52 PM »

Since you specially targeted me on this public forum where everyone can see this thread, I will respond. Yes, I received an invoice, just an invoice. That alone is not enough for me. I wanted a written contract.  I don't do go off by invoice alone. You think I am going to trust you and your hospital with just invoice alone?  The contract I would've signed at your hospital could have so many other stipulations, addendums, and other legal binding agreements. You and your organization could've easily scanned the 15 page contract and sent it to me via email. What are you and your hospital trying to hide?  Are you trying to scam your patients?  You know what would've been better? You should've told me there was no sale. Just tell me and list all the expenses and not try to use promotion and sales to get new patients. I mean this is not a simple restaurant order. It's a brutal surgery we are talking about here. But you guys are so obsessed and making money and profit that you have to use marketing and sales tactics to lure in new patients domestically and internationally. You are not running a hospital. You're running just a business. You don't give a damn about the patients, only their money. Just look at the way you treat your former patient Shi.  You attack him on this forum and other social media. You even made a Youtube video about this man. There's got to be a patient confidentiality violation here. Shi you need to file a complaint or lawsuit against this hospital for using your personal information on social media. I am sure Korea has a law protecting the private information of hospital patients. They can't do what they are doing now. You should file a lawsuit against them.   

Something is wrong with you and your hospital. Oh, and I think I know who I am talking to by the way. I do not trust you nor your hospital. Even though I have never been to your hospital, I have a very good hunch and instinct, your hospital is a bad place to get any kind of surgery. Something is off about you, the hospital staff, and even Dr. Chung himself. I have watched his Youtube videos, and I couldn't help but to notice how he often negatively spoke of his past patients.  And I have watched a lot of your Youtube videos. I stand by everything I wrote about you and your hospital. I take nothing back. There is a saying. If it's too good to be true, it probably is. The sales promotion you guys had or have, is too good to be true because it is.

Also, if you are a true hospital, then have some compassion towards Shi. He was a former paying patient after all. He spent so much money and time with you. But all you are doing is blocking him from the things he needs and bad mouthing him on a public forum like this. You guys are the lowest of the low in terms of what a good hospital is. A reputable quality hospital wouldn't even entertain defending themselves on public forum like this. I'm so glad I didn't choose your hospital to have limb lengthening. I would've regretted it. I probably would've incurred so many hidden fees and costs. Probably would've had complications you guys probably couldn't treat.  And finally, probably would've received the same treatment like Shi after my limb lengthening surgery was done and completed. 


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #122 on: July 06, 2024, 01:14:17 PM »

Thank you, John.
Originally, the contract for this hospital was that the patient's voice would be processed in the video, but in this video, my voice is not processed, and this is something that could potentially give away who I am!


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Re: VIOLENCE in yonsei kim & chung orthopedic clinic
« Reply #123 on: July 06, 2024, 01:37:45 PM »

This is a kind of business that only thinks about money, and maybe this is partly unavoidable, because they need to run the hospital as well. However, they took advantage of the fact that I was a foreigner with limited rights to assault me and bully me.
And that, more than anything else, is unacceptable to me.
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