I know it sucks being 165... but well there are way shorter people, including me (I am 154 cm, probably 155 cm but doesn't make a difference at all). You might be short but at least you are not considered a little kid like me, everywhere I go people tell me if I am 12 or 13 years old (surprisingly because I had my growth spurt at age 12 and never grew another inch from then haha). So yeah, some people are literally stuck in their puberty body like me, you at least might seem like a teenager-adult shape. And about the average height, that's the problem of living in USA, it has been the most discriminatory nation for centuries (see slavery, chicano movements, asian workers mistreatment in California, etc), so don't expect respect from a group of people whose average height goes as small as 175 cm to as big as 195 cm). In my opinion, since you are saying you are spaniard, I would return to Spain, or go somewhere else but USA, Canada, UK, Netherlands or any other anglo-country. Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Japan, Korea, Chile, Italy, France, Greece, all are some good countries whose average height goes from 168 cm to 175 cm (being 180 the tallest probably). Ofcourse, unless you are me, you may suffer the same experience that you would have in USA being 165, I remember back in my sophomore year when I was new to an anglo school and when I told everyone I was 5'1" tall they told me "wow the shortest person I've ever met was 165 cm", in any other country they might tell you it is 150 or 155 cm or a dwarf height (110-130). Still I don't have control over your life and I don't know the reason why you are in US (work, college, etc) so I hope you the best dude, 165 isn't a bad height, neither 162 or 160, there are a lot of celebrities who are around that height, as well as famous persons. 155 cm is actually hell, thats the average PETITE GIRL height (I'm not even petite lol I am fit (not buffed) with kind of broad shoulders).