I'd considered myself quite lucky given that I'm 5'8.5 but have an almost 6' wingspan (182cm). This would mean that theoretically, my proportions should only get better up to a height of just under 6' where I'd have an ape index of 1 (not considering other factors here, just talking about the topic at hand).
But then that got me thinking: wingspan isn't just about your arm length, right? Your clavicles factor into it as well, surely, as that's a horizontal measurement the same as your arms. So the wider your clavicles, the boarder your shoulders, and the bigger your wingspan.
So if wingspan can be altered based on the shoulders, doesn't that factor in to how good you'll look following LL?
Say two people are a height of 5'6 with a 5'10 wingspan. Theoretically, that person should look 'ideal' lengthening to 5'10 for an ape index of 1 (limb proportions not considered of course), but what if one of them had broader shoulders and the other longer arms? Wouldn't the one with the same wingspan but with broader shoulders run the risk of looking like they had short arms after that much height gain, while the other would may look in proportion? Because a larger proportion of the formers wingspan is attributed to the clavicles?
My thinking must be flawed somewhere here as no one mentions this, but I can't really get my head round it. Thoughts?