No one recovers 100%. If you took an Olympic Athlete and even just lengthened 1 cm femur, the athlete would never be able to get back to 100%.
However, you can recover a lot, and it will be dependent on how much you lengthen, which segment, the physio therapy, the method, and at the end of the day just downright luck.
As to exactly how well you can recover, this still remains somewhat of a mystery. We dont have any real scientific data. The orthopedic doctors just focus on the bones regrowing. Which they do. But athletic recovery is much more complex than just the bones. You have soft tissue like muscles, nerves, joints, center of gravity etc. that all interconnect in a complex way.
It seems that some research is being done on LL affect on arthritis ( but this is still a very small part of the larger question which is final recovery.
At the end of the day, from what we know on what people have posted afterwards, you should be able to walk, jump, workout and run, but you will tire faster, and be able to do less.
Again, there are a lot of variables. How much you lengthen, which section, the achilles tendon, the IT band, so maybe it is possible that some combination of these lead to much better outcomes and very good recoveries while others lead to worse outcomes.
Hopefully, we will get more data one day.