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Author Topic: LON tibia with Prof Dr Halil İbrahim Balcı; thanks to Limb Lengthening İstanbul  (Read 1706 times)

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my name is Seda. Im from Turkey. I had curvature on my legs and I was feeling short (my height was 156 cm ). So, i started to search leg correction and limb lengthening. Most of doctors told that I will undergo a challenging progress after surgery. But i was decisive and i wanted to take this surgery. So, i conducted to make my search.  Also I want to show my photos before surgery, you can see my legs (they are O shaped legs);

Then, i heard Prof Dr. Halil İbrahim Balcı from his book "Basic Techniques for Extremity Reconstruction" (from springer press) and his articles about extremity reconstruction from Google Scholar. I’m a nurse, I read articles and books about medical in almost every day. Then i decided to meet him. I want to express my thanks to Limb Lengthening İstanbul because they were so helpful to reach Halil İbrahim Balcı. ( My hometown is Çorum. Halil Ibrahim balcı was in Istanbul.)

Prof Dr Halil İbrahim Balcı was working in İstanbul University Medical Faculty. So, he did examinations here. And, he told that I will encounter a challenging progress because I had so thin bones. But I was decisive on this and I wanted to take this surgery. By the way, I allowed to limb lengthening Istanbul to take my video in acknowledgement of their help on transportation and hospital. Here is my video on their Instagram:

Here is the some rontgen films of before surgery;

And I took this surgery in 18 May 2023. Even just before the start of the surgery, in operating room, Halil Ibrahim Balcı asked “ if you afraid, we can cancel, you right? :D” . But I gave last decision on this :D  Go!

When I woke up after surgery, I felt enormous pain on my fixator beds. I thought that these pains wont pass and I will suffer. But these pains had gone in 4-5 hours after I woke up after surgery. These are the rontgen films after surgery.  I lost the films from 18 May 2023. So I posted the 29 May 2023 films. (films which are from just before starting lengthening) Im taking the films from a Turkish government website . They have a viewing sistem which is named as "teleradyoloji"

Also I have rontgens from my first centimeter. The films from 7 June. I was feeling a little bit pain. It is like something is itching my tibias.

After that, I continued to my lengthening progress. I was feeling pain on cut surfaces of my bones and my external fixator beds. But pain was small because I was feeling the progress. Otherwise suffering of pain would be bad. Here is the rontgens. My gain was about 2.5 centimeter in here.

These are my final rontgens; I reached to 6 centimeters. This is the limit of tibia lengthening for normal people. My Doctor Prof Dr Halil Ibrahim Balcı will remove my fixator at the end of the July , before he will go to England because of his academic research. Doctor finished my lengthening progress and we are waiting for consolidation now. Fixators are really itching. I feel so small pain on my fixator beds. By the way,  for pain, prof. Dr. Halil İbrahim Balcı only gives Augmentin ( a painkiller with a small effect) but he doesn't recommend to use any painkiller since painkillers have negative effect on bone growth. I will continue to update and upload photos after fixator removal surgery.




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Hello again; ;D ;D ;D
Im still waiting to fixator removal, so i wanted to upload some pictures here. Also you can ask whatever you want about my progress during this time.

Also I had an exercise video from last week, i wanted to post here;


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Nice progress! How tall are you now after the procedure? How much does Dr. Halil charge?
Mockups at

5' 9.5" -> 6' 0.5" after Precise 2.2 Femurs in 2023


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Nice progress! How tall are you now after the procedure? How much does Dr. Halil charge?
Hello, thanks, im glad you liked my progress. I was 156 and im 163 now. I gained extra 1 centimeter from leg correction also. For prices, you can ask them:


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Hello, Seda. Like you, I'm also Turkish. I'm so happy for you! You look more proportionate now, and taller too. After the removal surgery, it's crucial to maintain and clean the wounds, as there's still a risk of infection. Lower leg bones are particularly prone to infection due to the thin tissue surrounding them.
Pre-surgery Height: 173.5cm (5'9)
New Height: 182cm (6'0), gained 8.5cm on Femurs
Surgery Dates: 22 Nov 2022 LON on Femurs,  device removal on 9th Feb 2023
Surgeon: Yunus Oc, wannabetaller, Istanbul Turkey


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good luck on everything!!
I did 12.36cm (4.86 inch) on femurs.

Here is my diary (with videos): https://limblengthening/threads/betzbone-surgery-dr-becker-january-2023.5/


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good luck on everything!!
Thanks for your good wishes.


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Thanks for your advices. I will be careful after removal surgery. Also I'm asking everything to my doctor and his crew and they answering my every messages.


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Hello, Seda. Like you, I'm also Turkish. I'm so happy for you! You look more proportionate now, and taller too. After the removal surgery, it's crucial to maintain and clean the wounds, as there's still a risk of infection. Lower leg bones are particularly prone to infection due to the thin tissue surrounding them.
thanks so much.


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were u able to walk without crutches during the lengthening period ?
7 cm gained on tibias via LON .  Had complications, Healed and moved on with life.


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Yes i were be able to walk but they didn't allow this.


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Thank you so much for any update you write. It really means to me. We kinda have the same condition before, my leg is also have O shape (bowleg) and my height is only 157 cm thats way I hate my look. Find your thread is like a treasure to me. Really
I have a dream to do LL too someday, but I was worried by the surgery cost since I lived in Southest Asia which make it sound expensive for just 6 cm dream. Like a lot of thing have to consider, not just about the surgery cost but also living cost when doing a rehabilization.
For me the shortest and safest place to go is dr. donghoon lee. But I still considering to other place. Please tell me more about your place, and your bowleg reconstruction. Thank you so much  :)
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