Dr. Mahboubian above Dr. Rozburch? Dr. Debiparshad above Dr. Assayag? No way lol. They should be towards the bottom of USA Doctors. Dr. Debiparshad gave one(maybe more) patient knock knees which is a "rookie mistake" and entirely preventable, and Dr. Mahboubian is a salesman who's bread and butter now is cosmetic patients.
Dr. Lee may be an absolutely fantastic surgeon, but due to Korean culture I am weary about seeing him. There have been patients on this forum talking about him dismissing their concerns. I won't get into the nitty gritty, but this is largely rooted in Korean culture having a strong sense of "respect your elders" and "don't question your superiors/boss" etc.
Take a look below if you're curious:
https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20180829000812https://www.cnbc.com/id/100869966https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinking_of_MV_SewolThere's might be articles that say "No no no, there's no way Korean culture,
heavily influenced by Confucianism, could be partially to blame." It's comical because I lived in Korea and have many Korean friends, and it's still very well strong and alive today lol. It's like saying Americans don't like cheeseburgers
Just look at patient testimonials about Dr. Lee backing this up.
He is a fantastic and extremely experienced surgeon, but the culture aspect worries me. Just my
personal opinion especially after living in Korea and seeing this first hand, but I would never tell someone he's bad or to avoid him.