The top two limiting factors stopping short men from getting cosmetic Limb Lengthening is
1) Cost
2) Time
Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck, even though we are apparently the "richest" country (See GDP). Even those that don't live paycheck to paycheck, have very little in their savings. ( See this article for more ) Point is, very few people will ever have the money for the procedure. Even going to Turkey because you want to cheap out on your legs, 35k is still a lot of money to the overwhelming majority of people. While loans might be possible, I imagine that won't be an easy process....then you have even more debt.
If you do somehow get the cash, then you're still looking at a ~6 month downtime(It could be a lot more) where you can't work since you can't even walk. There's nuance to this of course, since if you work remotely from your computer then you can continue working, or if you get a weight bearing nail then the walking situation won't be as bad(But still bad). But many people can't afford to just not work for several months, even if they do get the money for the initial procedure.
I wouldn't worry too much about its popularity making it inaccessible to us short men that actually need it.
Although, more people aware of the procedure isn't good in the sense that they'll start questioning men more about it....but then I ask myself, jaw fillers, rhinoplasty, and things like that have existed for men, and women know all about it, yet how often do women ask attractive men with a nice jawline or nice nose if they've had work done? Never. So again I wouldn't worry too much.
I would still keep it a secret personally, because even the people that say "Whatever makes you happy" or "I support your decision" will most of the time still judge you, at least subconsciously. The difficult part is while you can hide it from strangers or maybe people you haven't seen for a decade+, what are you suppose to say to your immediate family? Your mother and father are going to notice, so you can't really hide it from them. "I had my scoliosis fixed", maybe that would work if they were...well I won't say.