You're not lengthening now.
Anyone who has done LL knows with this statement (and others):
"Can't you just lengthen at a rate that you want anyway? It's only you performing the lengthening after all - there's no law that says you 'have' to follow the doctors orders to do 1mm if you don't feel like it. "
That you have never done LL.
Actually an insane person.
Keep barking Mr 3.2, that's 20k per centimetre you blew, just LOL that you even feel able to show your face around here anymore
I could, if I wanted, click the nail at any rate I so choose. Obviously I'm not going to do that as I'm aware of upper and lower limits (which wasn't relevant at all to the question posed in the OP, just you wanted to sidetrack the thread to brag about going from manlet to manlet.) But I could, if I wished.
Time to get on your estrogen shots now boyo.
Its not about "performance" you dimwit. Some people pre-consolidate which was the case with me. Its common with clicking nails. Its not about "staying tough" its about your leg literally being fused from tough callus and not being able to get clicks anymore. You literally cannot rotate your leg enough degrees. You can re-break but I'm close enough to my original goal that I dont care to.
You really are a moron wanna be tough guy and the pivot was classic. Like you thought you were going to cruise through 1.5mm per day for the entire lengthening lmao. Well see how tough and humble you get if you actually ever go through with this which you probably wont. Most likely youll just stay an angry little defensive man on a forum asking asinine questions and thinking LL is a breeze and youll be the one that is such a strong man it will be different for you.
And you know why you preconsolidated? Cos you were too much of a pussy to do enough clicks, cos you went crying to mama as soon as you felt a bit of pain. End it.
I would just add that after seeing your picture in underwear, with a body like yours it seems the only soyboy is you lol.
There is absolutely zero point in working out pre-LL as you're just gonna lose it all in the 3 months of lengthening, genius.
LL won't change anything for him. He's a pathetic, miserable human being, who somehow believe his failure with women has anything to do with his height rather than his disastrous personality.
I'm begging you guys not to interact with him, you're just letting him drag you down to his level, and spread more poison on this forum. I sincerely hope one of the mods is going to deal with him soon.
He's clearly mentally ill and it's beyond our capabilities to deal with it. Society (and his parents) have completely failed him, but we shouldn't tolerate that.
How's the E injections going? Trying to cancel someone and bleating for mods (none of who cares about the fact your fee-fees were hurt, btw), on a fking cosmetic surgery forum no less. Those hormones are definitely turning you more like a woman every day.