A lot of people have fear of change, so they will fear a surgery that removes the concept of "height is a bless and you cannot change it, deal with it" to "just choose your height". Of course, we are not in the "just choose your height" stage, but we can modify the stature up to around 15 cm (6'') without too much problems. It's not too easy or cheap for the moment, but it's not a closed door and you can become taller if you really want and you have enough money.
Some people will keep telling "Don't DO it, YoU ARe dESTroYIng YouR HEalhTY legs, JusT WEar LIfTS, move TO a ForeIGn CounTRY anD LovE YouRSElf" of something similar to that, but people will trust less those fake argumentations when more and more people get taller without those catastrophic consequences if the procedure is well done. It's just like driving a car, if you drive speeding, drunk and watching your phone, you can have a car accident, but that doesn't that driving a car leads to have a car accident.