I don't want to rain on your parade, but you asked for feedback/thoughts. The 190cm looks terrible. If your sitting height is 88.5cm that is 34.84". The general rule is don't go past 0.50 SHR. However, you have long arms and I think that's key to pulling off below 0.5 SHR. Femurs are safer than tibias. I think doing 4.5/5.5 femurs to correct LLD and lengthen like you mentioned earlier is a good option. However, if you're ok with being leggy AF, go for more. You sound like you really want 6'1" so maybe you'll be happier doing 7/8 and accepting proportions a bit off.
With your sitting height you are pushing it at 5cm lengthening since you care about proportions. You will have to accept some degree of disproportion since just doing femurs will throw out your t/f ratio since it's already ideal at 0.8 and doing quads for less than 8cm is extreme.
Just do 6cm femurs to 183,2cm and be happy
You guys are right, also I tried so many tests to see if I have LLD it is 0.5 cm max, I think shoulder tightness is causing my body to lean on one side.
A 5 cm increase via femurs will put me at 183 cm morning height and 2 standard deviations from the norms in terms of femur tibia ratio (roughly 0.76 to 0.77 ratio), which would still be considered somewhat normal. It will also make me less leggy than trying to go for 6'1 or 6'2. With an afro and some good shoes I could even appear as 6'1 or 6'2 with an illusion of good LBR thanks to afro height increase. However, even without that 6' is already plenty... This is a serious surgery and I should really air on the side of caution when it comes to permanent changes to proportions and reevaluate the risk/benefits especially given I have plenty of years left to live (hopefully). What is the point of doing this if I will simply switch height neurosis with proportion neurosis?
I also don't think I can justify quadrilateral with Paley 200k$ just for proportions. I can fork out 100k$ thanks to a good tech job but 200k$ becomes a bit much. I wouldn't want to do it anywhere else since I would hate to live with a lifetime of regret.
At 183 cm if my height neurosis is still as bad I can just move to another country where people are shorter and work remotely.
Thank you for your insight and advice.