on the website they quote $95,000 for femur surgery with stryde. i estimate a complication free procedure and 3 month stay in florida to cost a total of $125,000 if i am not really frugal.
for complications they quote $30,000. however this is from mere anecdotal data.
"We had two patients in the past 50 that experienced unexpected complications that required additional unplanned surgery to fix. This lead to additional costs of about $30,000 each to fix the complication. This risk is about 4%. It is therefore our recommendation to keep about $30,000 in reserve."but according to paley institute, it seems to be safe to do this with them if you have $155,000 of money.
however, i am suspicious of the $30,000 complication reserve. what complications are we staring at?
1) nerve decompression
2) nail breaking / fracture (will nuvasive pay for the nail replacements? how many days of hospital stay are we looking at?
would it not be to the tune of the original surgery?)
3) complications after initial surgery (fat embolism for ex.) and we need to be monitored in an ICU for a few extra days. how much extra might this cost?
4) any other emergency care visit from a panic attack (your leg has swollen up like crazy, would you call an ambulance and go to emergency care? or would you just wait for a week more until your appointment with dr paley?) various radiology tests they make you do?
remember that no insurance will cover you for anything here. would insurance at least cover an unrelated illness like a strep throat? i hope so.
people on the forum seem to celebrate the fact that doctors in the US do their job right from the fear of lawsuits. but fear of lawsuits make doctors act super paranoid while taking care of you leading to unnecessary tests, protocols, medications, etc. good if you are rich or have insurance. but insurance doesn't cover CLL.
here are some crazy american hospital bills i dug up on the internet
https://imgur.com/a/WIfeN https://imgur.com/a/UhGdH8ri really don't know if getting CLL in an american hospital is really for anyone who is not a millionaire.