Here comes the next tom cruise!!
I lengthened my left humerus about 3 CM before I had to stop because I got a bone infection. I'm pretty sure that I got the bone infection because I was lazy with my clicking and Dr. Betz had to re-break my arm three times when I kept prematurely consolidating. Entirely my fault. This happened mainly because the humerus lengthening was kind of too easy. I had some new opportunities arise and I ended up being lackadaisical about my clicking. I just wasn't as focused as I should have been. I had the opportunity to be an actor in three movies while I was lengthening, I took a couple of long vacations, and I was having a lot of fun in my love life. Basically, I did everything wrong and ended up with a bone infection. I'm currently lengthening my right humerus and am at almost 4 CM.
Clicking was harder with my left humerus than it has been for my right. It is a little harder than tibia clicking (which was really simple), but still much less difficult than femur clicking was for me with the old Albizzia.
I paid about $40k USD for each arm surgery.
The surgery itself was no more painful than any of my other surgeries. I only stayed in Germany for about three days after each surgery. One of the times I had Dr. Betz re-break my arm from premature consolidation I flew in at 6am, had surgery at noon and flew back out at 7 PM. It was nuts. I had to be on a movie set the next morning 3000 miles away. LOL. The bone infection was scary, but any good orthopedist will know how to deal with it.