Do you feel Becker for Betzbone tibia and then betzone femur is the best option for most people who want to do both? More expensive than Giotikas and also Germany is more expensive than Greece--- but it gives you weight bearing tibias and sort of lets you stick to one doctor (well ability to stick to one team of <becker and betz> I mean) for weight bearing femur + weight bearing tibia.
I sort of think it might be worth it for people to save up more money and wait and go with Becker/Betz instead of Giotikas for this reason. Because it will be less disruptive to their lives and also Betz said in his youtube interview (now taken down) that his nail might be easier for clicking, at least it looks that way on youtube vid demonstrations of it compared to gnail clicking vids
The precise 2 tibia patients I've talked to so far in Athens have done about 4 cm tibias then it got tight and they stopped. HeightJourney on this forum in the USA stopped at 3.5 cm I believe with precise 2 tibias. I am thinking maybe 3.5-4.5 cm might be best for precise 2 tibias based on this. I am not sure if swimming pool walking + slower lengthening + losing weight so can do standing stretches earlier could help for precise 2 tibias push it to 5cm. But it seems hard to beat the ability to do standing stretches right off the bat and use your whole body weight to stretch the calves.
If someone does precise 2 tibias, their stretching ability feels as if it is limited by:
1. How often they stretch/how strong their arms are for stretching the calves with the bands
2. How long they can tolerate wearing the braces/splints that stretch the calves
3. The manual PT done on their calves
4. Depending on their bodyweight/what size precise 2 nail they put on them/their bone growth it could take a while to start standing stretches or slant board stretches
So idk maybe precise 2 tibia patients should have more manual PT stretches done on them
I'm under the impression that betzbone 2.0 tibias is just not very disruptive to people's lives compared to the other options? More freedom than precise 2 tibias, more freedom/less pain than externals, less pain than femurs