I mean betzbone/gnail has runaway lengthening issue. Some user recently posted that they still hear clicking sounds even after consolidation and that's causing them pain.
Yeah I'm still deciding between 1 vs 1.5 vs 2 years for when to remove gnail from my femurs, I'm curious about this too. It sounds like its good remove clicking nails in case they click again later
Gonna do precise tibias in Athens about 1 year after my femur surgery
a. I could remove the nail for femurs right before I do tibias after 1 year (and recover from femur nail removal first before doing tibias).
b. I could remove the femur nail during the same day as the tibia surgery, evidently that is a thing
c. I could do the femur nail removal during the middle of a tibia precise journey
d. Or I could do the femur nail removal after the tibia precise journey.
e. Or I could do the femur nail removal way after the tibia precise journey like 2 years total after the original femur surgery = 1 year after the tibia surgery
I'm not really sure what's the best option. Dunno, what does Betz/Becker recommend for timing the first nail removal if you're planning on doing a second lengthening?
I'm willing to do a more expensive option if it significantly improve the comfort and safety ( I assume that would be a or d or e) but am not sure how much it actually matters