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Author Topic: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal  (Read 330395 times)

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Four Inch

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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #558 on: August 28, 2017, 07:58:27 AM »

As an external reader I will provide my own opinion.
Sincerely i don't see any reason that would involve LLuser,Datum,newpatient or others to attempt to destroy Monegal's carrier.Surely they are not promoving other surgeons,so it's not a competition between other suergeons.I thinks they are trying to make people to think upon all strange things that happened with Musicmaker,Cooper and others.
Honestly,as other users said, I personally find strage the behaviour of Auron,Four Inch,hellodream and other Monegal's patients: you are always attempting to strongly defend this doctor in every thread.

Dreamer,  I understand your perception.  However, you will likely understand our defensiveness after you go through the procedure - if you decide to do so in the future. 

I went in to this thinking of Dr. Monegal as my doctor, nothing more.  However, I did build somewhat of an unintentional bond with Dr. Monegal.  This is risky cosmetic surgery and you are giving your full and undivided trust to your doctor.  You are hoping for an outcome that will improve your quality of life but know that the end result could be catastrophic.  When you place yourself into such a vulnerable situation and have a positive outcome it creates intense excitement and happiness; one is naturally very grateful to their doctor (and lady luck).

Datum was never a patient of Monegals, yet the majority of Datums posts just echo what he has stated time and time and time again throughout the forum about Monegal.  Do you really think that he is expending all his targeted energy and time to warn others?  I think not.   



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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #559 on: August 29, 2017, 06:30:31 PM »

It is my understanding that Cooper left the second week after surgery rather than staying at the  MICs for a full month. Others that were at MICs at the same time as Cooper that can certainly confirm.   Monegal, was insistent that I stay a minimum of 5 weeks, one week in the clinic and 4 weeks at MICs, he preferred that I stay even longer.

Just to be clear, I certainly don't know that Coopers outcome would have been different;I was just surprised when I was told he left early and that Monegal did not even know that he had returned home until later. 

You never met Cooper so you don't know if you were lied as everyone else. It doesn't make sense. Cooper was doing 2 stages and the doctor allowed him to leave as soon as he wanted as he did with Paco1, Musicmaker and Yagen and other people not in the forum. You can't talk about Cooper because you only have the doctor's manipulated version of the story. People need to know the truth.
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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #560 on: August 29, 2017, 09:26:34 PM »

But I will take a little time to warn others: Avoid Dr. Monegal!
Went from 164 to 170 cm
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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #561 on: August 30, 2017, 11:32:48 AM »

You never met Cooper so you don't know if you were lied as everyone else.

It's true that I never met Cooper but I have meet others that were here at MIC's with Cooper.  it's certainly possible that Dr. Monegal and other patients lied to me just as it's possible your were lied to by your source.

What happened to Cooper is tragic and he has spoken for himself in his diary as he should.  Coopers diary provided me with good information that I used when making my decision and I am thankful for his feedback.  However, you shouldn't be allowed to get away with barking over and over again about how incompetent Dr. Monegal without expecting to be challenged. Monegal has plenty of first hand success stories.  Having patients with complications in itself does not make a LL Doctor incompetent-  THIS IS A VERY RIISSSKKKYYY PROCEDURE - got it?   To me, it was important to know that Monegal did not abandon Cooper, he attempted to reach out to Cooper several times (this was confirmed by WhatApp message threads); Cooper exercised his judgement and decided not to seek a remedy from Dr. Monegal; perfectly understandable.

You keep claiming that you are warning others.  Do you really think anyone that is really considering Dr. Monegal is going to be persuaded by your second hand ranting?  They would be better served by reading both the positive and negative experiences posted in first hand diaries and avoid taking anything to heart from a non-patient that seems to be obsessed with Dr. Monegal.


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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #562 on: August 30, 2017, 07:47:48 PM »

Your information about Cooper isn't right. Cooper wrote to him several times after some doctors in the USA told him the surgery was a disaster and asked him to fix but Monegal procrastinated and he said 'everything will be fine... no problem at all' and denied there was a problem while the problem was evident for all doctors. Two possibilities: he didn't have a clue about LL or he lied. I don't know what's worse.

Did the doctor show you whatsapp texts from him? Everybody knows that this doctor doesn't respect privacy but this is too much. Showing whatsapp texts to other people is unethical but if a doctor shows whatsapp texts from one patient to another patient it's against the law and he can be denounced and of course I will tell Cooper to denounce this too.
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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #563 on: August 30, 2017, 08:40:00 PM »

Your stupidity knows no bounds. You clearly have no clue what you're talking about.

Your stupidity, not mine. The professional duty of confidentiality for doctors covers what patients may reveal to doctors and what doctors may conclude, based on their assessment of patients. Confidentiality covers all medical records (including x-rays, ) as well as communications between patient and doctor,. The duty of confidentiality continues even after patients stop seeing or being treated by their doctors. Once doctors are under a duty of confidentiality, they cannot divulge any medical information about their patients to third persons without patient consent.

What Is Covered By Doctor-Patient Confidentiality?

The professional duty of confidentiality covers not only what a patient may reveal to the doctor, but also any opinions and conclusions the doctor may form after having examined or assessed the patient. Confidentiality covers all medical records (including medical history, pre-existing medical conditions, x-rays, lab-reports, etc.), as well as communications between the patient and the doctor. Generally, this also includes communications between the patient and other professional staff working with the doctor.

What Constitutes a Breach of Confidentiality?

A breach of confidentiality occurs when a patient's private information is disclosed to a third party without his or her consent. There are limited exceptions to this, including disclosures to state health officials and court orders requiring medical records to be produced.
Patient confidentiality is protected under state law. If a patient's private information is disclosed without authorization and causes some type of harm to the patient, he or she could have a cause of action against the medical provider for malpractice, invasion of privacy, or other related torts. Of course, if the patient consented to the disclosure, no breach occurred.

How Long Does Doctor-Patient Confidentiality Last?

The duty of confidentiality continues even after a patient has stopped seeing or being treated by that particular doctor. The duty even survives the death of a patient. That means if the patient passes away, his or her medical records and information are still protected by doctor-patient confidentiality.

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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #564 on: August 30, 2017, 08:40:47 PM »

I want everyone to know that as I told before, I have inside knowledge from some of Dr. Monegal ex patients, that he threatens them not to post in the forum when they have complications (faulty nails, fractures, and other complications), and actually forces patients to post good stuff about him. He constantly monitors this forum and reads post from well-known users. This is the truth people have given me and I believe them.

I have said the same to plenty of members here by inbox and many agree with me.

I'm writing this because there is a user deniscef that is threatening me to give him information about this if not he will post our private inbox in this forum. I will not put my friends in danger and while if he had asked me in a non-threatening manner, I might have complied (removing all personal information). I will never send proof to him because now I know the kind of person he is.
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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #565 on: August 30, 2017, 08:49:06 PM »

LOL I find it funny that so far the doctors that interacted the most with the patients turned out to be on the bad side  ;D.

Sarin, Monegal, Barinov

I guess the pattern here is that a doctor's work should speak for itself and he doesn't need promotion from people. Those who do then it means that their work isn't worthy of speaking for itself  ;D ;D



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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #566 on: August 30, 2017, 09:04:05 PM »

Datum is a troll with nothing to atone

A troll would not have dedicated so much time. He has a vendetta against mongeal, whether it is justified or not.
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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #567 on: August 30, 2017, 09:06:43 PM »

«Sent to: deniscef on: August 29, 2017, 09:13:19 PM»
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All stories that tell the troll (Lluser, notimportant, Datum) are true (iatrogenic fractures, broken nails, nails that do not work, loose screws). I spoke with several patients of Dr. Monegal both in the forum and in whatsapp, and they confirmed it to me. I have no proof because I've never been his patient, nor would I want to be.

before he posted to me

No, I'm Peruvian, but I did an internship at Hospital das Clínicas in São Paulo and I was there for two months. I loved your country and I will be back in the future. I would like to keep my privacy and so I do not speak by whatsapp with anyone in the forum. However, feel free to ask anything you want through the inbox or forum.

Good luck with your stretching!

He says he does not give whatsapp to anyone but then he contradicts himself by saying that he talks to forum people on whatsapp, when I asked him for proof, he got all angry
LLSouthAmerica is a troll ,he cannot prove one word that he writes

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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #568 on: August 30, 2017, 09:10:30 PM »

LOL, I find it funny that so far the doctors that interacted the most with the patients turned out to be on the bad side  ;D.

Sarin, Monegal, Barinov

I guess the pattern here is that a doctor's work should speak for itself and he doesn't need promotion from people. Those who do then it means that their work isn't worthy of speaking for itself  ;D ;D

If you mean rickey case, he had done many things to complicate his recovery like walking without crutches when he was not supposed to. From what I heard barinov will treat any complications occured for free so that is a good doctor in my book.
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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #569 on: August 30, 2017, 09:12:36 PM »

Well, believe what you want to believe, guys. I'm an actual LL veteran.

Deniscef is the kind of guy who posts private info you've told by inbox.

You didn't ask me for proof, you threatened me and told me you would post my private messages if I didn't give chats to you. That's the kind of guy you are.

Of course I wouldn't give my phone to such a person.
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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #570 on: August 30, 2017, 09:24:28 PM »

So much drama around one doctor. Not a good impression


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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #571 on: August 30, 2017, 10:05:23 PM »

As someone who recently visited with Dr. Monegal I can tell everyone that all the bad news you hear about him is 100% true. Not only did I speak with several patients in private who told me their own horror stories about Dr. Monegal care and how they regretted having surgery with him, but every single female patient I spoke to said that he constantly hits on them and makes them feel very uncomfortable. Two girls started crying to me back in their rooms about how much they regret their decision and feel like they are in the care of an abusive partner. It was so sad... I have every reason to believe these girls because Dr. Monegal hit on me during my consultation and made me feel very uncomfortable. He really is quite a sleezeball.

As for the male patients I spoke to. The stories about their complications completely freaked me out. I would never have imagined so many people are suffering such terrible complications. There was a guy who can't even walk properly and he had surgery almost 3 years ago. Another guy has had something like 5 operations on just one leg to try and fix his problems with no improvement. One guy told me that the pain is so unbearable at times that he sometimes thinks about purposely overdosing on pain meds. He said his life is ruined so whats the point in living. He had femur surgery over 2 years ago and lengthened less than 6cm. I didn't sleep for a couple of night after my consultation. I was so lucky I met those people in private and they told me they would never have said anything if Dr. Monegal was around. It's a good thing my parents are originally from a Spanish speaking country and taught me Spanish growing up. It might have saved me from making the worst decision of my life.

I created my own thread about my experience with Dr. Monegal.
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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #572 on: August 30, 2017, 11:59:04 PM »

Your stupidity, not mine. The professional duty of confidentiality for doctors covers what patients may reveal to doctors and what doctors may conclude, based on their assessment of patients. Confidentiality covers all medical records (including x-rays, ) as well as communications between patient and doctor,. The duty of confidentiality continues even after patients stop seeing or being treated by their doctors. Once doctors are under a duty of confidentiality, they cannot divulge any medical information about their patients to third persons without patient consent.

What Is Covered By Doctor-Patient Confidentiality?

The professional duty of confidentiality covers not only what a patient may reveal to the doctor, but also any opinions and conclusions the doctor may form after having examined or assessed the patient. Confidentiality covers all medical records (including medical history, pre-existing medical conditions, x-rays, lab-reports, etc.), as well as communications between the patient and the doctor. Generally, this also includes communications between the patient and other professional staff working with the doctor.

What Constitutes a Breach of Confidentiality?

A breach of confidentiality occurs when a patient's private information is disclosed to a third party without his or her consent. There are limited exceptions to this, including disclosures to state health officials and court orders requiring medical records to be produced.
Patient confidentiality is protected under state law. If a patient's private information is disclosed without authorization and causes some type of harm to the patient, he or she could have a cause of action against the medical provider for malpractice, invasion of privacy, or other related torts. Of course, if the patient consented to the disclosure, no breach occurred.

How Long Does Doctor-Patient Confidentiality Last?

The duty of confidentiality continues even after a patient has stopped seeing or being treated by that particular doctor. The duty even survives the death of a patient. That means if the patient passes away, his or her medical records and information are still protected by doctor-patient confidentiality.

It's easy to copy paste but do you know how to interpret it?

No where in all your copy pasted text says the doctor can't show his whatsapp msgs to another patient. What cannot be done is sharing personal and medical information about his patients, not just to other patients but to the ppl in general.

Oh and please, note this:

1st- "Cooper" doesn't exist, and even if cooper existed, what ever information that Monegal could possibly share about "Cooper" was already made public by "cooper" in this forum. He has a god damn diary of his LL experience.

2nd- Your text is worth ZERO. I'd like you to prove anything in a spanish court presenting this source.

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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #573 on: August 31, 2017, 06:53:47 AM »

How do you know that Cooper doesn't exist ? I have read his diary and there are a lot of users here that believes him,some stated that are still in contact with him.
Do you have proofs ? If not,it's hard to believe you
●Do LL but do not let it obsess you

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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #574 on: August 31, 2017, 08:08:48 AM »

Your stupidity, not mine.

You have no idea what your talking about Datum; just another example of your assumptions and off the cuff posts.  Doctor/Patient confidentially relates to PHI (Personal Health Information) and that was not shared...except what Cooper himself shared on this forum.  Anything posted on this forum is information in the public domain.  Confidentiality does not apply to information in the public domain nor would it apply to messages simply showing concern that one attempted to make contact.

Albeit totally within his rights, Copper posted some very scathing and derogatory posts about Monegal.  Yet, Monegal still wanted to engage Cooper.  He didn't just say the hell with him and move on to the next paying prospect like a money grubbing prick like he often suggest. 

Your ignorance and maligned behavior is just stunning.  It's mind boggling why you seem to think that what could be interpreted as slanderous behavior is ok, but its out of line for actual patients to disagree you. in fact I question if you even have a second hand source; you seem perfectly content on speaking out of your butt hole.


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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #575 on: August 31, 2017, 10:25:42 AM »

Cannot remain shut up.

As a female patient from Dr Monegal what #Longhairgirl says is absolutely FAKE. I have never seen such a bunch of lies, and I ask moderators to take action inmediately.

Regarding #Datum we all know he is a troll and always comes to post the same stories under different Alias time after time. What trolls do not realize is that everytime you put MONEGAL in the net you are attracting more and more attention towards him. If people read carefully they will find only one or two people trolling and attacking and a lot of positive stories like #yagen #helloworld #Kirp1 and many others. There are 2 ways...follow the trolls or the patients.

#LLsouthamerica is a diferent story. He is a troll fan or troll's pet. No point in any of his supportive posts to the troll. Maybe he is not even a true patient. But cannot see the point to all his anger. He is not a patient of dr Monegal... Maybe he is angry after undergoing surgery with a more expensive doctor with a way more painful method.

As I said in my thread this doctor changed my life for ever. I cannot be more thankful.
He is a great surgeon, better person and surgeon instructor for CLL. This pisses off some ignorant people and creates haters...The better you are the more haters you will have.


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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #576 on: August 31, 2017, 12:49:32 PM »

How do you know that Cooper doesn't exist ? I have read his diary and there are a lot of users here that believes him,some stated that are still in contact with him.
Do you have proofs ? If not,it's hard to believe you
Your iq isnt high enough to understand what I meant by "Cooper" not existing so I won't bother to explain.


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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #577 on: August 31, 2017, 03:01:19 PM »

I'm trying to be fair now. I've received information from some expatients and they say they don't know those girls. I met one guy in touch with MICS staff and he says they don't know about this. I have to be fair. However they said LLuser was right about one old guy living MICS (not Monegal patient) who had a femur fracture and died and Musicmaker was in hospital september last year not for work (as Monegal said) but for complications. This is what I know from MICS through my friends.
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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #578 on: August 31, 2017, 03:25:32 PM »

Cannot remain shut up.

As a female patient from Dr Monegal what #Longhairgirl says is absolutely FAKE. I have never seen such a bunch of lies, and I ask moderators to take action inmediately.

Regarding #Datum we all know he is a troll and always comes to post the same stories under different Alias time after time. What trolls do not realize is that everytime you put MONEGAL in the net you are attracting more and more attention towards him. If people read carefully they will find only one or two people trolling and attacking and a lot of positive stories like #yagen #helloworld #Kirp1 and many others. There are 2 ways...follow the trolls or the patients.

#LLsouthamerica is a diferent story. He is a troll fan or troll's pet. No point in any of his supportive posts to the troll. Maybe he is not even a true patient. But cannot see the point to all his anger. He is not a patient of dr Monegal... Maybe he is angry after undergoing surgery with a more expensive doctor with a way more painful method.

As I said in my thread this doctor changed my life for ever. I cannot be more thankful.
He is a great surgeon, better person and surgeon instructor for CLL. This pisses off some ignorant people and creates haters...The better you are the more haters you will have.

I am not a troll fan or troll's pet. I simply speak and warn other because of the Monegal stories I heard during my lengthening and because of the patients I've spoken to through this forum.
It's easy to attack the person instead of what they are saying. I have no anger towards Monegal. I'm not a patient of his, and I'm VERY glad I'll never be. I can pay for more capable and ethical doctors.

I've said the things I wanted to say, only to warn people against going to Monegal. I've heard of faulty nails, loose screws, fractures. I haven't particularly confirmed many of the allegations from Datum or this new user, but I've plenty of reason to believe at least part of what they are saying.

Not all my posts are directed to attack Monegal, I'm simply trying to help others. You can believe that or not.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2017, 06:23:25 PM by LLSouthAmerica »
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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #579 on: August 31, 2017, 06:49:59 PM »

a bunch of trolls came here to accuse dr monegal of many dire things,but they cannot prove anything .who accuses must bring the proves. Only words without any prove,that is easy. And besides it , why someone will  lose your own time to help strangers,it does not make any  sense at all.
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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #580 on: August 31, 2017, 07:10:14 PM »

There are many trolls posting bullcrap in the forum, but your posts are also bullcrap. You are a hideous person who published South America's private messages in this thread without his consent. That's a dck thing to do. It's normal you can't understand some people coming here to help. It doesn't make sense for you because you're not a good person.
he accuses Dr Mobegal ,I ask for prooves and Am I what? pardon
the trool contradicts himself in what he said
Normal people came here to exchange knowledge, the trools came here to accuse without any proove
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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #581 on: August 31, 2017, 09:46:10 PM »

if you accuse someone you have to bring evidence and this south america said to have such evidence, why he does not show it ? I got annoyed with that, he is a midget liar.

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« Sent to: deniscef on: August 30, 2017, 05:43:49 PM »
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As pessoas que falam bem do doutor, fazem isso porque o doutor os obriga. Os pacientes estão ameaçados e eles não falam aqui ou falam coisas positivas do doutor também

translate be
People who speak well of the doctor do so because the doctor obliges them. Patients are threatened and they do not speak here or speak positive things about the doctor as well

when you accuse someone of threat you have to prove, because threaten is a crime.

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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #582 on: August 31, 2017, 09:57:05 PM »

I stand by everything I said about the Butcher From Barcelona. He is a dirty older man that constantly hits on and makes sexual advances towards his younger female patients. Disgusting! Dr. Monegal has absolutely ruined a number of his patients lives by causing them crippling complications that he is unable to fix. If you talk to these patients in private when the good doctor is not around to monitor what they say, that's when you will hear the whole story. I really don't care what anyone says about me on this forum, call me a troll or whatever...My father raised me to be a much stronger girl than to care what some strangers say about me on the internet.
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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #583 on: August 31, 2017, 11:42:55 PM »

I stand by everything I said about the Butcher From Barcelona. He is a dirty older man that constantly hits on and makes sxxual advances towards his younger female patients. Disgusting! Dr. Monegal has absolutely ruined a number of his patients lives by causing them crippling complications that he is unable to fix. If you talk to these patients in private when the good doctor is not around to monitor what they say, that's when you will hear the whole story. I really don't care what anyone says about me on this forum, call me a troll or whatever...My father raised me to be a much stronger girl than to care what some strangers say about me on the internet.

Unless you give some kind of proof, your story is a FAKE. I have talked to people living at MIC and they said your story is a FAKE. Even the troll says your story is a FAKE! You're a FAKE!


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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #584 on: September 01, 2017, 03:07:20 PM »

I won't write the same again and again.
Even when I was 1.68 I never found crazy for an 1.73-5 man for instance to do LL.
But for an 1.80+ I always found it completely crazy, and before my LL and now.

And no, it is not coming from what you say at least for me.
I never fancied tall men, I don't think they look better than average men and they are no better physically in almost amything.
The only reason for me is for dating as most women with heels on clubs are about the same height as me and I want to have a good difference of 6-7 cm to have an easier job in attracting new girls.
So simple as that.
So I don't care if taller than me men do LL and become even taller, I only want to have a good height difference from the average woman, nothing else.

And although LL is a cosmetic surgery, that doesn't mean that it is justified for all people the same.
Above average men don't bemefit from LL but they are so insecure about themselves and think that extra height will help. Almost all the times it won't. On the other hand, a short or an average man benefits a lot from LL as it fixes one drawback he has.
So for a tall man LL fixes nothing but for average and less men LL fixes a minor to big (the shorter you are) drawback so it is justified and really helps.
Things are very simple although tall men support that LL is the same for anyone.
No, it is not.
this is a  COMESTIC SURGERY, the midget guys offen using the average height to justify the reason for LL. Let's rack, if is average it's obvious that will be slight differences from up and DOWN, why the average bother them ?

But all people here has the same goal : to be more tall, the rest is only  bullcrap. And for everybody here ,my spouse is more tall than me. We all in the same situation
The only cases that this surgery is not a cosmetic is to real midgets patients

It's funny the way why things are. A man who decides to transform all body and became a female/shemale is normal everybody has to agree with  that , notwithstanding a man who is unhappy with his stature cannot even thinking in solve his problem because a shorter man thinks that is incorrect
« Last Edit: September 01, 2017, 03:29:26 PM by deniscef »
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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #585 on: September 02, 2017, 12:07:28 AM »

I threatens people ? You all trolls accuse Dr Monegal WITHOUT ANY PROOF and Am I crazy?
If you cannot prove anything he is innocent, I belivieve dr monegal , he's very responsible and diligent .
I do not accept false accusation without any proof , you're a lier.
southamerica told to me that he has proofs , why he does not show to everybody?Is simple he does not have NOTHING, only vagues words without any proof. If the justice does not have proofs , it consider innocent . simple that way.

You are a nobody to demand anything. This is not some court trial where he has to present you evidence. He said himself that he was going to protect the privacy of his friends. Why would he place that privacy in risk for you just because you ask. Especially one that gets violent and makes demands, trys to blackmail people.
Bander72: Banned for Impersonating A Dr (fake Dr.Monegal)  account


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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #586 on: September 02, 2017, 12:31:49 AM »

If you don't want to compromise the privacy of others still there you would not share that information. Again I tell you this is not a court house but a public forum. Just like datum posting you can choose to belive or not, his word is not fact so why do you get butt hurt over what he says. In any case, you are not even his patient, and no sane doctor would operate a lunatic like you.
I like justice,it is not fair to Dr monegal what the trolls are doing with him
If this guy has the proofs why he does not show? he wrote it  now he have to show
Because It
he  sent to me
I have Xrays and pics of infected wounds and deformed limbs but I don't know how to send them to you without revealing the patients' personal information.
Please don't show this message to anybody because I don't want to be identified. This doctor is like the mafia.

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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #587 on: September 02, 2017, 12:52:09 AM »

Deniscef, you're damaging the doctor's reputation with your aggressive behaviour and your stupidity. Although you claim to be a patient, you aren't a patient. You're a wannabe, just like the Asian lady with her histrionic personality disorder. I don't think any cosmetic doctor should accept people with intellectual disabilites and personality disorders like yours. Moreover, you're 6 feet. This means you also suffer from BDD. I'm with Bander72, 'no sane doctor would operate a lunatic like you'.



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Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
« Reply #588 on: September 02, 2017, 02:50:58 AM »

I think it is pretty concerning the fact that all people who say something bad about Monegal are attacked, insulted by "patients" and "prospective patients". They still continued to attack me even though I said I would drop the topic. Just ask yourself... is this normal human behaviour? That when the doctor is attacked/criticised, their patients grateful or not would insult you, blackmail you and try to delegitimize you?

Just think, something wrong is happening here. I think that there is no point in continuing this thread. From both sides, people can create infinite accounts both for and against the doctor, with fake stories to benefit or cause damage. This is all a mess. I said what I wanted to say, believe it if you wish... and move on. Nobody will change their minds in this pointless discussion.
Went from 164 to 170 cm
Former Guichet nail patient
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