So maybe people who haven't come yet might be wondering the nurses we keep talking about sometimes by name
There are two nurses who work very closely with Dr. Giotikas, they often come to visit the newer patients especially to help them take are of themselves and teach them how to become independent
When new patients come, they shift their attention alot to the new patients so it is really important to try to become independent as soon as you can -> practice the bed to walker transfer, its safe, worst thing happens is you fall on the bed. One time a nurse had to deal w/ an emergency or something w/ a new patient so myself + another patient had to scramble at the last moment to get to the taxi ourselves with just the hotel staff aid, which turned out to be OK. Just be ready for that after like 1-2 weeks to rely more on yourself + the hotel staff
I do think that the bed -> wheelchair and then wheelchair -> toilet transfers are much much easier than walker transfers for going to the bathroom---but not ideal in the long term (better to practice walking with walker if you are able to). If you are using the wheelchair to transfer to the toilet, it might be easier to remove the toilet seat raiser device if you bought one since it is hard to go from a lower wheelchair elevation to a higher extra raised toilet seat. But if you are on a walker, then an extra raised toilet seat is awesome
There is a male nurse. On very rare occasions he smokes outside when we're outside waiting for a taxi, but its not a problem at all, just move the wheelchair a bit away if the smoke is an issue. He's strong, and has helped me move my stuff lots of times, I appreciate it, I apologize for not planning better and I apologize for bringing too much heavy stuff.
There's also the female nurse who is temporarily seemingly working alot double time and covering for both the administrative assistant (Dora) + doing her normal duties as a nurse. She knows alot of languages (English, Greek, Spanish at least) , puts people at ease, and I can see why Dr. Giotikas hired her
To my ears, Greek when spoken with a deep voice sounds calmly badass/manly. And when in a higher pitched voice, Greek can have a certain crack/pop sounds to it w/ the consonants (ex: parakalo). People are nice and its a good experience, but on the phone I would simplify your English and words (just focus on the main noun and main verb, don't add too many connecting words or you'll just end up confusing someone)