I have a pretty thick leg hair as well so not that worried about the scars but still trying to understand if it's worth anything or not. The top scar where they insert the rod isn't a big deal since it's seen only if you're nked but what about the lower one? They're pretty similar for me.
You really don't need to "explain" yourself at all for these trolls asking for pictures/videos. Good chance their posts will be removed as well, if they weren't already. When someone isn't authentic and write a 10 sentences dairy over 3 days it's pretty easy to spot.
Do you feel any difference now from 2-3cm? I'm getting closer to 3cm and started to feel tighter around 2cm.
Btw, why 3 gabapentin? I'm taking one in the morning and one in the evening. And are you taking any other pain meds?
Thanks man! I didn’t realize you are going through this too. Good luck!
If I were you I would buy the scar ointment. It’s not expensive. If it doesn’t work, hey at least you tried. If you didn’t do it and eventually got a pretty visible scar, you may regret not trying it. But that’s not the end of the day still because you can always do laser resurfacing to make the scars lighter. When you take out the rods, they will try their best to do it through the same scars, so they will be open again. You will need to do it again. I am not using any ointment because I don’t usually scar so I am taking an educated bet. A good percentage of patient here, especially women, do use scar ointment.
3 cm is where I begin to feel a little tight. And I got nerve pain in my left lower leg around 3.6 cm. A week after that I started taking gaba. I am doing pretty similar routine as you, just taking one more around noon. I need 3 capsules mostly because I am working long hours and sitting for that long gives me pretty bad nerve pain without gaba. It’s been a lot better since I started gaba. I started with 1 a day. Then around 4.x I was taking 2. Then starting last weekend I begin taking 3. Robbins sort of encouraged me to take more if needed as he said that even 7 a day is normal dosage and 1-2 per day is baby dose. I do feel a little more tired than before when on gaba. Btw 1 gaba here is 300mg.
For pain meds, I am taking Tylenol occasionally. I used to take them regularly but it’s no longer necessary. I saved 23 pills of 10mg oxycodone. I will take them if the pain gets really bad. Remember don’t take 10mg in one go. It will be way too strong. Take 5mg a time. The PA told me that oxy and gaba are fine taking together, but did warn me not to start oxy again in fear of addiction. I am not too worried about that but still I am using it carefully and sparingly.
Honestly, i don’t feel much a difference now compared to when I was at 3.6 cm when the nerve pain first kicked in. I met a few other patients who had the same experience, with some even telling me it got easier towards the end. Of course, a few had a hard time towards the end but they managed to push through and reached max. I expect that I will need to take more gaba soon, but so far so good.