Will speak with the doctor tomorrow, got some clicks done but they were extremely painful ranking around 9.5/10 (this isn’t an exaggeration + my pain threshold has been rigorously tested this lengthening phase) I think my body is begging for mercy as after the clicking, my right leg is completely wrecked for the next couple of days. I am around 4.2cm lengthened maybe a little more, although I would have liked to reach the goal of 5cm, I am able to finish here satisfied - around 179-180cm.
I seem to be the exception though, not the rule. I had a much longer ‘Inflammation period’ lasting 2/3 weeks instead of the usual 1. I had strong pain from the 2nd week of clicking - progressively getting more and more painful as I lengthen further, the opposite experience of most other patients (they had much less pain than myself) It’s weird as I remain very flexible, maybe the most flexible here, hopefully my bone looks good when I get the xrays, the nurses, doctors and physios have been very helpful, I am very grateful.
Meeting other patients has been a huge help encouragement too, I’ve also spoken with and met some older past patients - one who did 8cm and was getting the nails removed, he looked and moved completely normal as you would pre op, some inspiration, I cannot wait to walk unassisted again and get my muscles back.
Again not to scare anyone away from the g-nail, I think it’s just wise to prepare for pain in the case you find yourself unlucky like myself and V21, every other patient had a pretty much smooth clicking experience lots going even 8cm and slightly more.