Just a short update, now almost 11 months post-surgery and 7 months post-lengthening
I don´t have any stiffness or other muscular problems anymore. I have been visiting Dr. Becker 2 weeks ago to do some new x-rays and the bone consolidation went also very well so far, so that I am now back to improve my jogging skills. Right now, I am at 6 km/h for 15 minutes, will see how far I can come back until summer. If everything went well, I should be able to do the removal this autumn. I am now also considering to do the tibias. In fact really nobody in the daily life noticed my new Tibia/Femur-ratio but it bothered me personal because someone who has the eyes for can see that me femur (51,5cm) is a bit to long for my tibia (33,5cm).
However, I will need to see, if I am really going to do another surgery as well but if so then I will only do 5 or 6 cm on tibia. This would boost my Tibia/Femur-ratio to around 76% which is at least close to ideal. I will keep you updated.