rafi thats very unwise on your part, being positive and putting your head in the sand like a flamingo will not fix ongoing complications. You cant wish away bone misalignment, the more you pull the frame the more it diverts from the neutral axis. Noone said you need to go spend 100 000 usd on a new surgery, the whole reason we told you to contact these doctors - assayag, paley, rozbruch, giotikas, donghoon(although he doesnt respond to emails apparently), parihar, birkholtz, betz even is because these people have seen thousands of cases combined and are well equipped to deal with any misalignment issues such as yours.
Then when you get the opinion of 2-3 surgeons, if they dont tell you how they'd fix it over simple emails, you stick your hand deep in your wallet and fork out $200 for a skype consult with a few of them and ask them to explain to you in details how they will fix your legs
And then you take this information and discuss it with a good ORTHOPEDIC(doesnt have to be limb lengthening) turkish surgeon thats covered under your insurance or whatever the healthcare system is in turkey. You agree on what to do and you go and get it fixed for free or co-paid
If a bunch of these doctors say you got nothing to worry about - great!
In the end of the day, its your legs and your future mobility, better safe than sorry amirite buddy boyo
Also, you better make damn sure you got union on those xrays before you take the frame off. You don't wanna become hasaki #2