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Author Topic: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022  (Read 16075 times)

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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #62 on: October 19, 2022, 09:51:22 AM »

At around 7.5cm.  It is there in both legs but much more present in the R leg.  Ironically not there with clicking, just flexion and extension and internal rotation of the knee.

Its interesting that tibia knee pain didn't start until 7.5 cm

With gnail femurs, I started getting knee pain at around 2cm and now at about 3.5 cm I am getting woken up twice every night with knee pain. I've used ice pads so far to deal with it, has an effect much faster than pain killers


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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #63 on: October 19, 2022, 11:41:18 AM »

Nothing to trash about. I just wonder what is his explanation because there must be a reason, right?

In general Betz is a surgeon who try to damage as less as possible during his surgery and I assume that the IT Band has any function in the body, in particular at Running. Therefore, I assume that Betz does not want to risk any longterm complication in this regard, if the majority of the patients can handle it without IT Band release as well.

However thats only what I guess but it would make sense.
From 162.5cm to 178cm
Femur | Betzbone | 2022
Tibia | Betzbone | 2024
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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #64 on: October 19, 2022, 01:24:19 PM »

Nothing to trash about. I just wonder what is his explanation because there must be a reason, right?

That he doesn’t want to cut healthy tissue since some patients don’t need it.


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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #65 on: October 19, 2022, 06:41:10 PM »

That he doesn’t want to cut healthy tissue since some patients don’t need it.  Though this goes against the standard of care when a patient tells him/them they want 6cm+ which would be almost everyone.


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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #66 on: October 19, 2022, 07:40:41 PM »

weird because paley do as default. so who's right ?  ???


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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #67 on: October 19, 2022, 08:25:04 PM »

weird because paley do as default. so who's right ?  ???

No Itband release is foolish. I think that was the biggest downside with Betz in the past. It has no long term consequences but walking may be a little bit more difficult in the beginning. But then again, who cares if you can walk well in the first weeks when you are fked later right? I think walking well in the hospital gives a good boost mentally and might be beneficial for early recovery but it doesn‘t outweigh having to have a second surgery later on.


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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #68 on: October 20, 2022, 12:42:49 AM »

weird because paley do as default. so who's right ?  ???

Wide leg is no joke, it’s almost the same as being in a wheelchair.  And it’s mentally draining because you’re getting worse everyday compared to when you started instead of getting better.


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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #69 on: October 20, 2022, 04:26:29 AM »

Wide leg is no joke, it’s almost the same as being in a wheelchair.  And it’s mentally draining because you’re getting worse everyday compared to when you started instead of getting better.

Very true.


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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #70 on: October 23, 2022, 04:41:38 AM »

Hey guys at around 9.1cm now.  To get to 10.5 I need 18 more days and then I’m done. Let’s start a count down, I’ll check in regularly. Will let you know if I took a day off. Flying to Greece in a week to cut it band.  Pain levels range from low to quite high.  The pain is always there, 95% related to the it band being tight. Trying to walk around more with crutches. Sleep has been poop . Outside of twice daily physio stretching I try to stretch throughout the day because the knee flexion makes you feel like you’re trapped in your own body.  I’ll post a pic of the knee patches in a bit.  Have an appt this Thursday for more steroid injections in femoral head area. Had a special event and gave my friend a beautiful diamond heart shaped necklace. She loved it 🥰



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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #71 on: October 23, 2022, 11:07:26 PM »

17 days left.  R femoral head continues to hurt.


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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #72 on: October 24, 2022, 06:03:41 PM »

16 days


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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #73 on: October 25, 2022, 08:19:25 PM »

15 days, less pain after joint injections by podiatrist


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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #74 on: October 26, 2022, 03:53:25 PM »

14 days.


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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #75 on: October 26, 2022, 04:08:49 PM »

As so many other have said before, the last cm or so seems to be the worst!

I remember when I was at like 10,5cm I wanted to quit, I was just sick and tired and wanted to start recovering. I also had knee pain at that time if I remember correctly (all the times I had pain seems to be a distant memory now), I messaged Dr Becker asking if I should quit "only" reaching 176cm and that the last cm didn't matter. But him and my friends motivated me to get trough the last cm reaching my original goal of 11,5cm and becoming 177cm tall. Looking back at it I AM SO GLAD I followed trough I did not quit, even with the pain and stiffness. You only have a few weeks now, so you'll make it!

Do you have duck ass? My duck ass started at 7cm and got progressively worse the more I lengthened. My duck ass is still not resolved, but I am very close now and hopefully It will be resolved in 4-6 weeks! I also had wide-legs after 2-3cm, but after working hard on it - that was gone at around 6-7cm.

Four months post clicking I have very little to no pain, so I am pretty confident that the pain you are scared about now will disappear in the future. But I do know and understand the fear of permanent pain when you are experiencing it. All the pain I had and was concerned about eventually went away.

Good luck the last few weeks!
Femurs with Dr Betz & Dr Becker 14/01/2022
Starting height: 165cm | Reached height: 177cm
Total lengthening: 11,5cm | Age: Mid 30s
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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #76 on: October 26, 2022, 06:09:34 PM »

As so many other have said before, the last cm or so seems to be the worst!

I remember when I was at like 10,5cm I wanted to quit, I was just sick and tired and wanted to start recovering. I also had knee pain at that time if I remember correctly (all the times I had pain seems to be a distant memory now), I messaged Dr Becker asking if I should quit "only" reaching 176cm and that the last cm didn't matter. But him and my friends motivated me to get trough the last cm reaching my original goal of 11,5cm and becoming 177cm tall. Looking back at it I AM SO GLAD I followed trough I did not quit, even with the pain and stiffness. You only have a few weeks now, so you'll make it!

Do you have duck ass? My duck ass started at 7cm and got progressively worse the more I lengthened. My duck ass is still not resolved, but I am very close now and hopefully It will be resolved in 4-6 weeks! I also had wide-legs after 2-3cm, but after working hard on it - that was gone at around 6-7cm.

Four months post clicking I have very little to no pain, so I am pretty confident that the pain you are scared about now will disappear in the future. But I do know and understand the fear of permanent pain when you are experiencing it. All the pain I had and was concerned about eventually went away.

Good luck the last few weeks!

Hey, I think we were speaking on telegram.  Never had any duckass but wide leg is extreme.  I decided to stop at 10.5 but nothing is stopping me from going to 11 or 11.5. I'm going to ask Dr. G's opinion.  You were able to see to Betz personally for another eval but I don't feel comfortable going over 10.5 without some kind of personal consultation from an experienced LL doctor.   Since the steroid shots a couple days  ago, the pain is almost 0 without opioids.  It is the really tight IT band that is/was 100% of the cause of my pain.  Knee pain is gone as well with knee patches. The shots last 3 weeks and then pain comes back.  So glad your pain went away.  Clicking takes less than 60 seconds on each leg and is done in continuous motion by my fisio.  No preconsolidation at the 0.78mm rate I have been at.  But you are right the process and patience is grueling going into 4.5 months post surgery and still clicking and basically bound to my house because of wideleg or I have to take the wheelchair. At least I can have sxx.  11.5 would be cool as heck though, I would be at 181cm.  Enough I think to not even consider tibias in the future.  How is your gait? And really no pain at all right now?  181cm is also very tall in Colombia and Mexico where 167cm is the male average.


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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #77 on: October 26, 2022, 06:22:15 PM »

My meds for the day, my pups and urine container since I get lazy at night to walk to the small bathroom when everything is stiff.



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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #78 on: October 26, 2022, 11:07:49 PM »

Good luck man! Surgery is in a few days right?
Stopping at 10.5cm seems like a good idea. Hope it only gets better for you from here :)

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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #79 on: October 27, 2022, 08:55:11 PM »

What is telegram? Don't think we have spoken there because I'm not familiar with it? 🙈🤣

Sad to hear about your issues with wide legs and what it limits you this much. But can say, you will resolve it in time... yes time... everything with this surgery does take a lot of time... and work... Don't regret anything, but can't wait for some more time to pass! 😂

Can understand hitting 181cm, and before this surgery I was thinking of doing tibias as well to become over 180cm, maybe even 183cm - that "magic" 6,0 foot number! But reaching 177cm, I'm fine, no more LLS for me. My height dysphoria is gone and I don't feel small anymore. I live in one of the nordic countries and I feel as tall or taller than more that half the people I meet. I have no desire to become "tall" because I am tall enough and will most likely never be called short or looked upon as small ever again.

Another thing I have learnt becoming 177cm is that most people below 190cm lie about their height anyways. Remember my general doctor tellings me after I got the surgery that he was 168cm when I was at 166cm, and could clearly look over him. My physiotherapist told me he was 180cm when I started to go to him, I am taller than him without shoes when he is wearing shoes. Other friends who have told me their whole life they are 180cm tall are around my height now. So I am pretty sure all of these "studies" about height are inaccurate, mostly because they use data that is self reported - and most people lie about their height! Heck even a female friend said I should just tell people I'm 180cm tall 🙈 You must feel like a tall person i Columbia and Mexico?

Gait is still not great because of duck ass, it is okay and improving. I am almost there where I don't feel embarrassed walking without crutches in public now. I reckon another 4-6 weeks and I'll be able to walk upright with a slight limp, and from there things will only get better.

Yeah, pain is basically non-existent. Even when my physiotherapist really pushed me during sessions pain is very light. I haven't used an opioid since mid March or any pain killers since July. I had some IT-band pain a few weeks ago after pushing at the physio, but that is also now completely gone. So I wouldn't worry about pain, it only temporary.

Hey, I think we were speaking on telegram.  Never had any duckass but wide leg is extreme.  I decided to stop at 10.5 but nothing is stopping me from going to 11 or 11.5. I'm going to ask Dr. G's opinion.  You were able to see to Betz personally for another eval but I don't feel comfortable going over 10.5 without some kind of personal consultation from an experienced LL doctor.   Since the steroid shots a couple days  ago, the pain is almost 0 without opioids.  It is the really tight IT band that is/was 100% of the cause of my pain.  Knee pain is gone as well with knee patches. The shots last 3 weeks and then pain comes back.  So glad your pain went away.  Clicking takes less than 60 seconds on each leg and is done in continuous motion by my fisio.  No preconsolidation at the 0.78mm rate I have been at.  But you are right the process and patience is grueling going into 4.5 months post surgery and still clicking and basically bound to my house because of wideleg or I have to take the wheelchair. At least I can have sxx.  11.5 would be cool as heck though, I would be at 181cm.  Enough I think to not even consider tibias in the future.  How is your gait? And really no pain at all right now?  181cm is also very tall in Colombia and Mexico where 167cm is the male average.
Femurs with Dr Betz & Dr Becker 14/01/2022
Starting height: 165cm | Reached height: 177cm
Total lengthening: 11,5cm | Age: Mid 30s
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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #80 on: October 28, 2022, 06:25:45 PM »

13 days, took yesterday off.  This should be 9.5cm gained as of today.


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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #81 on: October 28, 2022, 06:28:45 PM »

I hope to have a quick recovery like yourself.  You're right, so many people are liars.  Hitting 180 I could say I'm 183, lol.  Looking forward to my it band release, I am very much an invalid now barely able to walk with the wide legs getting wider everyday.

What is telegram? Don't think we have spoken there because I'm not familiar with it? 🙈🤣

Sad to hear about your issues with wide legs and what it limits you this much. But can say, you will resolve it in time... yes time... everything with this surgery does take a lot of time... and work... Don't regret anything, but can't wait for some more time to pass! 😂

Can understand hitting 181cm, and before this surgery I was thinking of doing tibias as well to become over 180cm, maybe even 183cm - that "magic" 6,0 foot number! But reaching 177cm, I'm fine, no more LLS for me. My height dysphoria is gone and I don't feel small anymore. I live in one of the nordic countries and I feel as tall or taller than more that half the people I meet. I have no desire to become "tall" because I am tall enough and will most likely never be called short or looked upon as small ever again.

Another thing I have learnt becoming 177cm is that most people below 190cm lie about their height anyways. Remember my general doctor tellings me after I got the surgery that he was 168cm when I was at 166cm, and could clearly look over him. My physiotherapist told me he was 180cm when I started to go to him, I am taller than him without shoes when he is wearing shoes. Other friends who have told me their whole life they are 180cm tall are around my height now. So I am pretty sure all of these "studies" about height are inaccurate, mostly because they use data that is self reported - and most people lie about their height! Heck even a female friend said I should just tell people I'm 180cm tall 🙈 You must feel like a tall person i Columbia and Mexico?

Gait is still not great because of duck ass, it is okay and improving. I am almost there where I don't feel embarrassed walking without crutches in public now. I reckon another 4-6 weeks and I'll be able to walk upright with a slight limp, and from there things will only get better.

Yeah, pain is basically non-existent. Even when my physiotherapist really pushed me during sessions pain is very light. I haven't used an opioid since mid March or any pain killers since July. I had some IT-band pain a few weeks ago after pushing at the physio, but that is also now completely gone. So I wouldn't worry about pain, it only temporary.


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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #82 on: October 28, 2022, 08:39:24 PM »

Good luck Leon - almost there


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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #83 on: October 29, 2022, 03:29:49 PM »

12 days, said goodbye to my físio who has become a good friend, packing for my flight.


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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #84 on: October 30, 2022, 10:29:17 PM »

What is telegram? Don't think we have spoken there because I'm not familiar with it? 🙈🤣

Sad to hear about your issues with wide legs and what it limits you this much. But can say, you will resolve it in time... yes time... everything with this surgery does take a lot of time... and work... Don't regret anything, but can't wait for some more time to pass! 😂

Can understand hitting 181cm, and before this surgery I was thinking of doing tibias as well to become over 180cm, maybe even 183cm - that "magic" 6,0 foot number! But reaching 177cm, I'm fine, no more LLS for me. My height dysphoria is gone and I don't feel small anymore. I live in one of the nordic countries and I feel as tall or taller than more that half the people I meet. I have no desire to become "tall" because I am tall enough and will most likely never be called short or looked upon as small ever again.

Another thing I have learnt becoming 177cm is that most people below 190cm lie about their height anyways. Remember my general doctor tellings me after I got the surgery that he was 168cm when I was at 166cm, and could clearly look over him. My physiotherapist told me he was 180cm when I started to go to him, I am taller than him without shoes when he is wearing shoes. Other friends who have told me their whole life they are 180cm tall are around my height now. So I am pretty sure all of these "studies" about height are inaccurate, mostly because they use data that is self reported - and most people lie about their height! Heck even a female friend said I should just tell people I'm 180cm tall 🙈 You must feel like a tall person i Columbia and Mexico?

Gait is still not great because of duck ass, it is okay and improving. I am almost there where I don't feel embarrassed walking without crutches in public now. I reckon another 4-6 weeks and I'll be able to walk upright with a slight limp, and from there things will only get better.

Yeah, pain is basically non-existent. Even when my physiotherapist really pushed me during sessions pain is very light. I haven't used an opioid since mid March or any pain killers since July. I had some IT-band pain a few weeks ago after pushing at the physio, but that is also now completely gone. So I wouldn't worry about pain, it only temporary.

Great post!


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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #85 on: October 31, 2022, 08:55:07 AM »

11 days.  Here in Frankfurt Germany on a layover.  Grabbed dinner at a chill Italian spot last night.  Here’s some pics of condor business class with lay down seats.  It was still very uncomfortable but I made it work.  Notice severity of wide leg. Here’s a shot of my old sweat pants from yesterday, height difference is there lol. Rack of lamb and black truffle pasta from Italian place.




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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #86 on: October 31, 2022, 09:18:17 AM »

11 days.  Here in Frankfurt Germany on a layover.  Grabbed dinner at a chill Italian spot last night.  Here’s some pics of condor business class with lay down seats.  It was still very uncomfortable but I made it work.  Notice severity of wide leg. Here’s a shot of my old sweat pants from yesterday, height difference is there lol. Rack of lamb and black truffle pasta from Italian place.


I also had to throw all my pants (and suits  :( :()  away. Just kept my shorts  ;D ;D
From 162.5cm to 178cm
Femur | Betzbone | 2022
Tibia | Betzbone | 2024
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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #87 on: October 31, 2022, 09:22:07 AM »



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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #88 on: November 02, 2022, 12:42:00 AM »

10 days left, meeting Dr G tom.  Flight to Greece was terrible with extreme pain in the R leg while in the air. Any moment without pain is a good one, hopefully the it band release helps.


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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #89 on: November 02, 2022, 02:03:59 AM »

No.  There was another Betz patient in the room next door who came back for tibias. He was in his mid 60s.
are you sure that patient in mid 60s?  so old to do LL...


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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #90 on: November 02, 2022, 03:27:26 AM »

Holy sh!t you just made me realize I have like 10k in suits that ill have to toss.
Gained 3.2CM on femurs for a final height of 5'8.5-5'8.75.


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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #91 on: November 02, 2022, 09:41:44 AM »

are you sure that patient in mid 60s?  so old to do LL...

In my late 30s.  ::)


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Re: Dr. Betz Femurs June 2022
« Reply #92 on: November 02, 2022, 09:42:43 AM »

Holy sh!t you just made me realize I have like 10k in suits that ill have to toss.

Yep jajaja
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