hi guys!
its 3:00 a.m. in Milano, i'm around 2 weeks post-surgery and i'm at 2,5 cm taller.. that's one third of my goal, but i will only be clicking at the 21 clicks a day rate until monday, so the next 2,5 cm will take a lot longer to make..
Caribe is snoring not very distant from me.. the reason i'm awake at this moment is only because i wanted to click around this time my last 7 clicks of the day.. me and Caribe today had training in the morning in the Isokinetic center with consultation with Dr. Boldrini, and training in the afternoon with Serge at a gym close to the center, so between these trainings i didn't had the time to click at the beginning of the afternoon. i only manage to make my 7 clicks at 20:00.. because my right leg is still very, very hard to click, it is painful and i have to take time to recover after each click.. Caribe itself says that one of these days i will have a knee problem from the contortion i have to make to click that leg..

i decided to give my body some time before the night clicks and delayed my clicking till this time..
serge want us to train everyday with him at the gym, and Isokinetic want us to train almost every day with them at the center.. this makes a crazy routine of taxis from one place to another.. luckily we are living very close to the center so taxis are cheap and we try to share the taxi with more limb lenghtenrs with the same program to make it even cheaper..
but this is actually a blunder to my plan for limb lenghtening in Milano.. my plan was to start being autonomous at around 2 weeks after surgery, and it would mean to don't have an helper at the flat anymore and start doing the first trips by subway.. the helper helped us for the last day today, from tomorrow on we will have to take care of our food, our laundry, the cleaning, etc.. it will not be easy, and with a program like the one we are following its close to impossible..

.. so i think i will be skipping some trainings.. i will probably alternate daily between Isokinetic and Serge.. i don't know how Guichet will react to this decision but otherwise it will be impossible for me.. Caribe on the other hand wants to do everything by the book, so we will probably continue training like a mad man..
about using the subway.. it still looks very far away.. the walker is either very, very slow if you move your legs in a waking fashion or very, very tiring if you just jump like a frog with it.. so i don't think the walker will be compatible with subways... about crunches...i only did yet a few steps with crunches.. i have o train at home, but with no one to help me and no time because of this impossible routine i didn't manage to train crunches a single day..
financially, i spent already a lot more than what i was planing.. mainly because i wasn't expecting the training with serge when i arrive in Milano (more 3k euro).. but a lot of things turned out to be more costly than expected, like the helper, the food, etc.. taxis were actually cheaper than i was expecting (as we are very close to the center, we pay around 20 eur/day to go to the isokinetic, and around 25 eur/day to go to the gym of serge), but unfortunately, for a long time, i found it very difficult to not use taxis.. so it will end up more expensive than what i was expecting..
i found myself thinking how much easier and cheaper it would have been to have done Betz instead.. well, i will never know..
tomorrow i will have my first every 15 days x-ray, and the day after tomorrow a consultation with Dr. Guichet with the x-rays..
well.. its time to click...
Übermensch, thank you for your detailed update.
I am to be operated, if all goes well, by the start of the upcoming December: I live alone, so I have to make every aspect of my recovery as well planned as possible: so, how can one sit and stand up, without breaking the screws? How do you do this,
Übermensch, right now? How do you get up from the bed?
I know these are questions to be put directly to Guichet himself, but I am asking you who are living the real thing...
What weight can one bring in safety (I weigh 71 Kg, and you?), i.e. shopping bag?...some people say that walking would break the screws (maybe the Betz people) while I heard Guichet advicing to walk as much as possible: how are you behaving? What are the actual Guichet's policies about walking with his new nail?
We all would appreciate your answers!
We all cheer for you!
hi antoky!
thanks for the questions.. i'm glad to answer..

you do seating and standing up from the first day of operation.. you need a special walker that has 2 pairs of hand holders one in top and one a little bellow, like the walker used by leechlet..
for standing up you:
1) seat on the bed with legs out of the bed and move your ass the closest possible to the side of the bed,
2) put the walker on the side of the bed and grab the hand holders below;
3) pull your body up, preferentially lifting the full height of your body with your hands;
4) stand with your legs straight in the floor, bending your torso to the front;
5) let your height go back to your legs;
6) raise your torso and change your hands form the hand holder below to the hand holders on top;
for going back to bed, you:
1) get the closets possible to the bed with the walker;
2) bend your torso to the front and hold the hand holders below;
3) pull your body up, preferentially lifting the full height of your body with your hands;
4) let your legs slide to the front and sit with your ass in the side of the bed;
5) use your arms to pull your body up to get yourself into bed;
notice that moving in the bed, you should use only your arms and not your legs to lift your ass up..
Dr. Guichet will give you a follow-up book with pictures of the standing up and siting down procedures..
the golden rule is that you never bear weight on your femur if they are not in a straight position, because the nail is very strong bearing height vertically, but horizontally its easy to bend the nail .. its easy to understand, its like trying to snap a wood stick by pushing it down vertically to the floor or trying to snap the same wood stick by bending it with the two hands.. it will easily break by bending it.. but it will be hard to break just by pushing it to the floor..
i weighted 70kg before operation, now i'm at 68kgs.. i actually didn't yet made shopping, but i'm confident i can take some kgs in a backpack.. i will actually have to do it because we will not have a helper anymore from today one..

Caribe topped at 74kgs but since then he lost some weight also..
Dr. Guichet wants you to walk a lot.. as long as you walk the way they teach you how to do it, you will be fine.. i did 900 meters of walking on the walker in the frog style the other day.. my hands and my arm are still a bit sore because of that day!!