Day 42 - +3 cm
I got my x-rays taken this week and turns out the real amount lengthened is off by 2-3 mm than the recorded one. In other words, in my diary, I had recorded a 2.9 cm amount of lengthening, but on x-ray it showed 2.6 cm. This is probably due to pin bending which is a result of weight bearing. So, If you're aiming for 5 cm of real length, you should more or less lengthen 5.5 cm worth of "recorded length". This the case for my frame, do not assume this applies to other types of ex-fix. I haven't gotten pin site infection up to this point, but one of my pins has been hurting for the last two days and I'm suspecting it's infection. I'll get it checked tomorrow, hopefully nothing crazy is happening. Now that I'm past 3cm, I decided to bump up PT. before, I used to do PT 2hours /day. Now, it's 3 hrs/ day. This is because stretching a lot can prevent ballerina foot, rather than letting it develop and then take care of it. Honeslty, There's not much to what I was up to for the last week. The lengthening phase has been a routine to follow for me. Hopefully, It will continue like this for the remaining part of it.