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Author Topic: HELP: Concerns about height/happiness of future children/son (gf is short)  (Read 2381 times)

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Re: HELP: Concerns about height/happiness of future children/son (gf is short)
« Reply #31 on: February 05, 2022, 12:12:10 PM »

Yeah, if you like the woman be with her. What's the point of being with a tall woman if you're not happy.


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Re: HELP: Concerns about height/happiness of future children/son (gf is short)
« Reply #32 on: February 05, 2022, 07:07:55 PM »

It irritates me also that you don't see that you are in reality, although totally convinced of your good intentions, more worried about yourself, not your future sons. And even this is an anonymous forum it shocks me your disrespect (no other word for it) you feel deeply inside and express publicly towards your wife.
The woman who probably loves you, lives with you, who smiles every morning at you, who makes love to you, maybe who cooks for you and maybe even cleans your   **it in the toilet while you watch TV (ok, this sounds personal, you're right dammit!)

I (hope) I don't think it's about me. I could also say "hey, I love this woman and I don't care about (possible) sons, it's their problem". But wel,l maybe I'm thinking of myself a bit... because everyone wants to have happy children. And their happiness will be the happiness of the parents. A psychologist would have to answer that.

She's not my wife, she's my girlfriend. And yes it sounds and it is disrespectful and I'm not talking to her about it as I'm trying to be a kind person, believe me or not. That's why I use the anonymity of the internet.

I forgot to say I agree on your second point. Decades from now, even certain current feminists and sociologists will eventually understand that heightism is a part of machism: one more point "obliging" women to be inferior and weaker. Biological dimorphismt don't explain it all. There's even domestic violence against men.
Heightism is also a primitive atavic manifestation of remembrance from the times when we were kids and looked up at adults. Many tall people live like prisoneers of that "animal" rational. But of course there's not any societal reality or explanation that "works" in 2022, or even 2032, to make society more "inteligent" and advanced. And definitly able to not make allmost all short people feel bad.
No comment on that, but I want to compliment you. I have read some of your posts, you sound like a very educated person. And that's something I rarely say to anyone, even though I'm also from an academic background.

Don't worry about your son. Be selfish.
Sadly I am not, hard to change.


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Re: HELP: Concerns about height/happiness of future children/son (gf is short)
« Reply #33 on: February 06, 2022, 02:24:58 AM »

I (hope) I don't think it's about me. I could also say "hey, I love this woman and I don't care about (possible) sons, it's their problem". But wel,l maybe I'm thinking of myself a bit... because everyone wants to have happy children. And their happiness will be the happiness of the parents. A psychologist would have to answer that.

She's not my wife, she's my girlfriend. And yes it sounds and it is disrespectful and I'm not talking to her about it as I'm trying to be a kind person, believe me or not. That's why I use the anonymity of the internet.
No comment on that, but I want to compliment you. I have read some of your posts, you sound like a very educated person. And that's something I rarely say to anyone, even though I'm also from an academic background.
Sadly I am not, hard to change.
Suppose your kids were definitely born with short heights cuz of your gf's bad genes then I must criticize his telling you not to care about your kids' heights cuz some of LLers' tragedies derived from disregards about kids' heights while they are really suffering from the issues that can potientially lead to their being short but again I am not blaming any parents for not taking enough care of their children's heights. I know it depends on parents' perceptions of what being short will mean for a lifetime and I don't think not very educated parents or short parents will dedicate themselves very much into taking cares of their children's heights so we gotta realize parents are not God they are not omniscient so that they can predict you don't end puberty earlier, you don't suffer from weird maturing diseases and etc.

But now the conditions are that you know what short heights mean and know something about height not to mention you are at the same time having concerns about children's heights, which is making me perplexed why he is giving that kind of suggestions that you don't need to care about their heights and just be selfish. So I don't think being selfish is a good advice.

I know how mentally screwing up being 163cm in European countries will be cuz I am nearly 162cm in China and I know how horrendously nerve-wracking it is standing at 162cm barefoot in China as Genz, not to mention standing at that height in European countries, which means LL cannot even save their lives. I am not being toxic and just illustrating the risks you are likely to run if you insist on being selfish without disconcerting about your gf's bad genes.
My advice is that if you are really concerned about your children's heights and cannot accept the risks that your children will be that short, then MDOW got it right, just dump her but with a legal and reasonable excuse instead of claiming your height doesn't deserve reproducing with me cuz you will turn her into an obsessed psychopath with height just like some of male users on this forum. So don't create any similar tregedies. You underlined her as just your gf so it's not unbelievable to dump her before getting married. But like I said, if you are really falling in love with her and ambivalent between having children(although I don't know why having children must follow after marriages) and not letting go of her, just consider HGH and LL(HGH may misfire on your children cuz they are not that short, they cannot achieve supplementary HGH and etc. I think Paley's Option 5 can sort of solve your children's height issues like getting them taller to nearly 180cm but that will cost stloads of money and if you don't possess so much money then Option 5 is just a joke and you gotta work out another backup plans.


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Re: HELP: Concerns about height/happiness of future children/son (gf is short)
« Reply #34 on: February 21, 2022, 08:38:59 PM »

Thanks for your long answer @PursuerOfHeight I read everything carefully!

It's a fked up and I don't find any solutions. The biggest problem is, that I can't speak with her about it without hurting her and that's the last thing I want. Even if I think that she can understand the topic. She told me once, how a male friend of hers doesn't feel well and has depressions because he is very short. I know him, when I was with her in her country I spent a lot of time and trips with this guy, a very nice person and it made me sad and thoughtful to hear that from her. fked up world, seriously.

All in all, you want a normal life for your children, with normal opportunities. I also don't feel the need to pass on my own genes. I've even thought about adopting children instead of my own, to to avoid the problem this thread is about. So you could also alleviate a little suffering in the world.


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Thanks for your long answer @PursuerOfHeight I read everything carefully!

It's a fked up and I don't find any solutions. The biggest problem is, that I can't speak with her about it without hurting her and that's the last thing I want. Even if I think that she can understand the topic. She told me once, how a male friend of hers doesn't feel well and has depressions because he is very short. I know him, when I was with her in her country I spent a lot of time and trips with this guy, a very nice person and it made me sad and thoughtful to hear that from her. fked up world, seriously.

All in all, you want a normal life for your children, with normal opportunities. I also don't feel the need to pass on my own genes. I've even thought about adopting children instead of my own, to to avoid the problem this thread is about. So you could also alleviate a little suffering in the world.
Good for you. I also may not accept ugly girls to be my wives, cuz I also know how awful being an ugly boy/girl is(I am not ugly, but I just know), at least I don't wanna see my children lying on an opeating table doing stupid plastic surgeries, I can't even imagine that. I will very regret giving birth to them. So your choice, I gotta say, is very mature.


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cjc1295 peptide, it increases hgh by 10 folds and igf 1 levels by 3 folds and unlike pharma hgh its cheap compared to it and is better compared to it
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