I think that following blindly some rules it's kinda like trying to convince yourself that you did it all to stay safe by following medical "guidelines" ,in order to justify bigger amounts of lengthening.
In reality, LL it's not that new , but CLL is and n LL discrepancy patient even with loss of athletic ability would be way better if they have equaly long legs , while for CLL patients it's not the same thing ,at all,so same stats do not apply to us .
Also I said in so many times but people seems to not wanna hear it : Not even 10 years ago doctors lengthened tibia more then femur and safe limits were what we would consider foolish today .
A guy in this forum lengthened 9 cm with betz and he was 5'8 (don't remember his nickname) .
He lost so much of its leg power and he has limitations when it comes to sports,strength etc.
He was not a dwarf with 10cm femurs , but he still got a bad outcome and he was probably just SLIGHLY over the 20% of his femur length.
Let's say he did 8 or 8.5 cm ...result would have been the same !
He wished he stopped the lengthening at 5 or 6 cm I believe ... and his story should teach us since he did us the favour to share it .
I really don't care what some unknown ppl around the world
Will do with their legs , but their bad outcome sometimes harms this community because they refuse to tell the story as it is and keep blaming other factors of the procedure and we all get scared and anxious when we do not know the real backgrounds .
Idk how ppl here can believe more to stats then ACTUALL former patients but whatever ..Like zaozari said , it's ok to focus on % but to a certain degree.