Assuming the parents/doctors realize the child will be below average stature, say 5'4"/163cm. How many inches/cm can you really expect from HGH when you start early? How long does it have to be taken?
Does anyone have any relevant information here?
It's very variable. Many times, people just don't respond to supplementary GH, it's like the endocrine system "detects" an artificial input and just "balances" it, reducing production of natural GH.
In other cases it depends on for how long GH is taken, dosis and again individual biological response.
It's very frequent to add just a few centimetres. Spectacular cases are rare. And quantity of injections and dosis is allways limited by medical reasons, to avoid secondary effects and disruption of the entire endocrine system.
Age and duration of treatment depends on the moment parents or the child start worrying and consult a doctor, on doctor evaluation, his opinion (both clinical and personal importance given to height and to the case), his knowledge about interpretation of growth charts, on the response and concerns about secondary effects and of course on height itself.
Different doctors wait more or less time for a natural growth increase before intervening and most seem to disregard prescription of GH after the end of adolescense, regardless of epifhysial plates, as response to GH is generally diminuished.