Day 465 (Day 307 Post clicking)
It has now been ten months since I stopped clicking, and being short has quickly become a distant memory. Having been this height for this long and getting better and better every day, my memories of being short is fading.
For those who have read my diary from start to finish know that I have pretty severe duck ass, and also very tight it-band on my left leg. My duck ass is almost completely gone, and my tight right it-band is also almost gone now. This means my gait, once I have stretched and gotten some heat into my body and muscles - is now almost completely normal. My last obstacle is now some hip sway, but this also getting better every day. After stretching today, and walking it is almost not noticeable. I'll probably post a video and photos next week in a post.
All in all, progress has kept at steady pace the past few months - and I am now almost back to normal gait. I have been walking around 10-20km per week, or around 1,5 -3km per day. My issues with stiff muscles, low stamina and having to take pause while walking has almost improved massively. I can now walk around 700-1000m without talking a pause, not becoming sweaty or having a high pulse walking at a decently fast pace. If a walk slower I can easily walk further without any issues. This means, normal walking day to day, doing normal chores like shopping etc is non problematic.
Another issues I have had is after sitting down for anything from 5-30+ minutes and standing up to walk, I get very stiff and have to stretch walk a bit before becoming "normal". Around 3-4 weeks ago, this changed where I would be stiffer in the morning than in the evening. So as the day progressed, the time from sitting to walking "normal" became shorter. The past week I have gotten progressively better where the time from sitting to walking "normal" is not much shorter and almost don't have to do any stretching and I will walk "normal" in just a few steps.
With this progress I am guessing I will be walking 100% normal with no more issues in about two months, or about one year post clicking. If people think that is a very long recovery time, and longer than most here - you are right. I think this is down to the length I went, 11,5cm and also issues with tight it-band and not doing an it-band release. Also my age and my severe duck ass haven't helped. So if you are thinking of doing 11,5cm, it is possible, but it may take longer than the usual one year from surgery to 100% recovery. With that being said, one and half year from surgery to 100% recovery for my self is not bad considering the length I did.
I'll answer this question in this same post:
"Can I get more updates on this? Do you feel like you're getting better results with women?"
I have only been out on the town two times post surgery, new years eve, and yesterday. So I don't have enough experience yet for anything meaningful - but I can still share my anecdotes thus far.
Just quick context for those who haven't read all my posts. I have been told by women (and other men) since I was a teenager that I am attractive, and have mostly dated and had girlfriends in the 7-8/10 range (most taller than my old 165cm height). But with that being said, I have never felt that what I have been told by people about how attractive I am, has matched my actual experience and success with women. This has bothered me and messed with my self image for almost my whole adult life. It is first when I read research about how important height is in attraction things started to make sense. In short, you can easily be a 7-8/10 in the face - but because you are 165cm tall in a nordic country most women won't find you attractive. This perfectly explains the discrepancy of my experience with some women finding me very attractive, but most ignoring me -because those who do don't care about height - but most do.
Now to my actual experience. In the day to day I feel that I am getting much more attention from women in all ages, anything from teenage girls to old women. I am getting much more looks, much more stares and much more eye contact with women. First I thought that women was staring because of my gait, but as this has gotten better and better and now almost normal - the looks and attention has not declined. Just yesterday while out shopping, this woman about my age just kept stating at me. I have also experienced that random women have been acting strange and nervous around me, like at the store or in the shops. I have now learned that this probably means that they find you attractive, kind of like how men act strange and become nervous around pretty women.
I wrote about my experience on new years eve in a post back in January, so read that for the full story. But quick recap, I had two beautiful women being interested in me. I have experienced this before, but it happens like once a fort night - so was not expecting it to happen on my first night out post surgery.
I was at a party yesterday, so my second time out post surgery. At this party all the level of good looking people was very high for both women and men - and some of these are even IG influencers with sizeable followings. I felt the bar was kind of high. I do my self have a sizeable following on SoMe, but my content and what I do is neither looks or fashion. Basically all the women where like an 8 or 9 out of then - so kind of out my league. Early on I got positive looks from two of the women, while the rest where kind of just friendly or I just didn't talk to them. But again, I was not there to pick up women, just to have fun with my friends - so I was just doing my thing and not thinking too much about these women. As we where about to go to town on out way out, one of these girls came over to me, took both of my hands and just started dancing with me - but because my limited range of motion in my hips, I found out that I actually can't dance that well yet. So I tried to dance, but then said "sorry, but I am a little stiff in my hips after a surgery - so I can't dance". Later that night out on the town we danced a little more, before I took of an called it a night.
I know it may not sound like a lot, but having this hot girl with like 40k followers on IG coming over to me twice wanting to dance with out me being the one to initiate - I think that is a good sign. As my friend put it "hot women don't go over to men they don't find attractive and start dancing with them".
As I wrote further up, I've only been out twice post surgery - so there is not enough data here to conclude anything. But in my experience I am now two for in attracting hot women WITHOUT me actually taking the initiative and making a move. When I was short I always had to show personality and confidence and be the one to initiate, but my experience this far is that I an getting more attention and that without having to do anything - which is all kind of new too me.
So I think that even if you have normal looks, but are short. Becoming taller will without a doubt improve your success with women. At the end of the day it is all about numbers and increasing your relative dating pool. At the party yesterday I was a good head to half a head taller than all the women, where as before I would probably been the same height than most and I would therefore automatically be discarded. But now being normal I am not, and no longer limited by that factor - so my relative dating pool has increased immensly.