Even with a mere +2 inches, life's much better now that I'm about average.
- Dates are 100% easier/much more fruitful. Women are much more interested in a second/third/etc date.
- It's easier to command attention/respect. People are more interested in the bull I have to say. Maybe I've become a better speaker as I've grown, but something feels different.
- People treat you better. Hands down. Youre no longer unwanted in public.
- Life's easier. It's f*cking crazy. Doors open, you're well regarded, you can get away with more.
I cannot recommend this surgery enough. Granted my legs still hurt in weird places sometimes after surgery, and my athleticism isn't 100% there (maybe like 70%), but those things
do not matter.. I repeat:
lifting weights and running long distance never made my life better - CLL did. If I knew about this sooner in my life (and had the money), I would've done it years ago.
Of course read my blog -
the pain is insane. But
pain is TEMPORARY - glory is eternal. As somebody who suffered through LON Femur, I am dying to do LON Tibias knowing FULL WELL that Tibias is like 20x more brutal and painful than femurs. This sh*t will change the trajectory of your life. Lastly, I'd recommend LON only because you can weight bear at all times.
Remember why you're doing this. And for the love of god, do it. Good luck.