LMFAO so you still don't realize how many ridiculous ideologies(sxx is more important than money. The financial system is a big scam. Money is Jewish token) you have spouted so that I really don't want to have any conversations with you anymore?
I am 23 y.o and can't imagine anyone who is biologically older than me would like to claim the money as just jew token and behave as a big moron which is more pathetic to be 15-16 y.o because of how mentally childish he is. Also, if you want to produce more pieces of jokes you don't need to use your alt acc to dialogue with yourself, or maybe it is an indication of very serious mental illness like schizo, and it seems very likely, corroborated by how anti-semitic and anti-financial-system you are.
Keep overwhelming yourself in battling against the modern financial system and Jewish which is more childish and retarded than 15-16 y.o boys. You are the one who is really omniscient. Salute!
Your viewpoints are typical of that of Asians in the USA - likely told by your parents that the key to success is life is to study hard and get a good wageslave job, and after that the girls will come. You're now sat here with the job and no girl, and there's some dissonance here - it wasn't what society told you would happen, the 'system' is set up to say if you work hard you'll get rewarded, that's what you've been told all your life. Yet you sit here, maybe in some decent house, but ultimately alone. That's because the 'social contract' that a guy would work hard, get a good job, and then have a good word put in for him to the neighbours daughter, marry her, pop out a couple of kids and live the surburbia lifestyle is now dead, largely thanks to the Jews that you defend. The money was never valuable in and of itself, it was valuable to secure a family and thus sxxual access to a wife and the respect of other wageslaves in the wagie farm.
Nowadays, women, especially the prime age women we all want, care much more about looks and height. Sure, if you're rich it'll help, but it won't help nearly as much as being tall or good looking. 50% of couples meet online nowadays - that figure is higher in the younger generation, and in that regard good looks is absolutely essential, or they'll not even bother to spend the time talking to you. A broke Chad will still get matches, conversations, dates, and sxx. A rich incel (that's you, btw) will sit in his McMansion claiming to be 'successful' while in fact missing out on the experiences that make up a happy life.
Sure, money is still somewhat useful, but its function is mainly now to support looksmaxing efforts (like LL and other surgeries), provide for basic needs like your house and car, and so you can ultimately work less and thus have more time for the experiences that actually make life good. It's not nearly as valuable as it used to be as now looks/height are the dominant factor, not your 'ability to provide', unless of course we're talking about post-wall women who have ridden Chad throughout their teens and 20s and are now looking for a sucker to provide for them now their looks have faded.
Mindless consumerism - going to wageslave even though you're plenty rich already, buying a bigger and bigger house, making (((investments))) etc - all of that is part of the Jewish plan to tell you you 'need' these things while keeping you an obedient worker drone. The taller, better looking men have the experiences that have TRUE value in and of themselves - you're just sat at home with a big number on a screen in your online banking, but ultimately rejected by everyone and with a very hollow and empty life. 80 years ago this wouldn't be the case - you'd actually be successful with women - but thanks to the Jews you are sat at home stroking your own dck wondering why the promise that society made to you in your school years didn't end up being fulfilled.