Huh? So you think this patient is a fake? He seems pretty genuine in his videos.🤔
He does , but ..Who in the world does CLL and want to go viral like that ?
Like its the opposite of the meaning of CLL in first place .
We want to get taller but not show the world how insecure we were before to cut our legs , go trough pain , spend a ton of money for that .
You would come out as a creepy and weird ,because others can't understand what you felt !
So again..who in the world would do that ?
I kinda followed the Dr.Assayag guy ,Raz I believe was his name , on the forum and on ytb and he looks genuine .
I believe that at 35 or so he had a family ,kids , a job , he was open about it and had nothing to hide since the important things around him were already aware .
In my opinion Dr.Assayag and him kinda had something like "discount if you promote me" kinda thing and so one got more popular and the other got the same service for less? Idk those are assumptions .
Point is that Dr.Assayag works in a renowned hospital and can't be there without some real skills .
He is also board certified !
So idrc even tho the heightrx website it's kinda Dr.M and Dr.D vibes which..whatever but again at least he has some attributes and his patient WAS CLEARLY a real patient .
Alfonso went under every cll video commenting and talking like his life depended on that .
Who does CLL , wants to be viral , and after the successful procedure, goes around STILL commenting things about CLL? At 6'1?
Once in a while...ok but everytime ?
Its everything so suspicious to me !
PS: I mentioned the Dr.Assayag story not to put him or his patient down but rather the opposite , to show the difference between the stories .