Ok, you "want" to like Stryde. (I understand, I also wanted it two). The truth is that such a big, responsible, company made bull***. Allmost for sure for example they didn't tested it on mammals. A new "Stryde" should only make us more cautious, not the opposite. In medicine, testing and experience makes the difference, novelty itself is not good, only after good tests, good trials and clinical use. It's not like fashion or mobile phones.
Take this too (there are more but as I said you seem to "want" Stryde).
I want Stryde not because it's cute but because it helps us perspective patient to be more positive towards the process .
Back in the days people didn't do the surgery because of ex fixators , now there are ppl like myself that I can't take off that much time for precice + the mental hit it would have on me would be huge because Ik myself and I don't overestimate my pain tolerance or mental strength as some here .
Maybe if there was no stryde or nitinail I would not "wish" for it and value the current options but as I said , there is also Synoste developing the Nitinail and it's currently testing them on Humans ,what better then that ?!
So after 2 years of testing it on I think 30/40 ppl we can have a relatively accurate idea of what to expect from that product .
Wouldn't you trust a Nail tested on 40 people?
So based on this I THINK that Nuvasive will have to work hard and SAFE to keep themself relevant in the field .
Surgeons are not Nuvasive friends they just work better with them for several reasons but if they have more advantages somewhere else trust me they would leave nuvasive .
I also read that the Nitinail lengthens only up to 6 cm (correct me if I am wrong) ,and you can set the lengthening amount every tot hours and it lengthens by itself .
Not really huge improvements but still little by little .
The 6 cm might trigger many but it makes me feel more comfortable with the company because Safety should always be first as you said too .
So don't get me wrong , I agree with you , I just have a different opinion on what we have forward , I am more optimistic then you but not because they care about us , but because they care about money that are earned from us .
And If Stryde doesen't come back safer , I will look forward to do this surgery with another product (like Nitinail) .