Diet is a key factor during bone healing/consolidation
Weight loss diets such as keto diets should be avoided as they promote catabolism (breaking down nutrients) and limb lengthening requires to be in an anabolic state (building up tissues).
Healthy diets rich in proteins, leafy vegetables, not too much processed sugar, is primordial
Tobacco should be avoided, so is too much caffeine and alcohol, which in abundance prevents proper bone formation.
Dark sodas also contain a lot of phosphates that are not conducive to proper bone formation.
Slowing down the lengthening as needed also is an important component
I would interpret that study with a LOT of caution. They do not quantify their results, There is no real control in the content of their herbal CQ, they derive “faster bone healing” out of blood work and there is no radiographic analysis.
under results, there is absolutely no quantification but only this bold statement:
There was significant reduction in pain, swelling, and mobility at fracture site at different follow-ups in CQ group when compared to control. Incisor and molar biting force increase was more in patients of Cissus group when compared to controls at different follow-up. In biochemical analysis, serum calcium level and alkaline phosphatase level were significantly increased in Cissus group.