I'm going to do an online consultation with Giotikas.
It looks like he has a free short consultation and then a paid one. I'm going to do both.
What are the most useful things to ask them in terms of moving the process forward?
I had some questions in my mind but am not sure if they are redundant/will just be covered in email correspondence afterward
1. For internal femurs with g-nail, if I want to do the surgery in September or mid August, what would be the timeline of things I need to do from now until then?
2. What xrays, lab tests, or other things do I need to send you?
3. Do you have a note of information for me I give my primary care doctor so she knows what kind of tests or xrays to do on me?
4. Do we need to send in a psychological evaluation and what information do we send to the psychiatrist or psychologist to get it done?
5. I'll have access to the money to pay for the surgery and everything about February 11-12. That money is currently in a certificate that will mature then and then I'll have access to that $125,000. What is the earliest I can pay, what is the cost, and what payment methods are accepted?
Are there better questions to ask in that limited time? Ex: will some of this above just be covered in free emails after the consultation?
What would you ask with the limited time to move the process forward? To move the process forward