by the way i love science. detroit become humans, the whole game has a secret ending where they show that Kamski (creator of the androids) created the deviants and that they had no autonomy.
If you want to be a part of this, you need to get really good at math. That's a big regret I have in life; not studying math really, really hard when I was young so I could be a scientist.
How old are you?
Not sure about the meaning of the word autonomy,I think you mean freedom right?But according to the video I posted, just saw robots kill each other or being abandoned.
Almost early 40s.
research a lot of anti and reverse aging and if in your 60s we dont have anything to stop or reverse aging, get cryonics
May I also ask how old you are? It's ok if you want to keep it a secret.
Is it something that freezes you? Does it really work?
yes freezing but current ones are not 100 percent perfect but they will be perfected.