Wondering if anyone out here hasn't outgrown their father?
I'm 5'7 and my father is 5'11, my brother is 6'1. I stopped growing at 13 due to poor nutrition and awful sleep during teenage years. Doctors confirmed this using growth charts and blood tests. I didn't realise at the time it was messing up my growth big time, everyone said (including my father) that I would keep growing till 20s but then I grew skeptical of it.
Doctors told me to get an x-ray on my wrists (growth plates) because I didn't grow in an abnormal amount of time and everyone else in high school was getting taller than me and it confirmed they were closed and I couldn't grow anymore. I was in devastation for 2 months and I failed a portion of my Semester 1 grades at school because I couldn't get past it. I was furious. I was once taller than the kids I was staring at in class but they outgrew me and it made me cold, everytime I went to school it pissed me off so much. Kids rubbed it in my face that they "outgrew" me.
I developed height dysphoria from the fact that I couldn't outgrow my father and that it's my primary motivator to consider LL, around 95% of people I know in my age group either outgrew their father or are the same height as their father. It made me grow jealous of the people that surpassed their father in height, even if they were 5'6 (but their dad was 5'3). I felt like I was done dirty and I wanted to outgrow my father or at least reach similar height as him. The average height has increased overtime and it's uncommon for a male these days to not outgrow their father (I'm 20 years old now).
Anyone else on the same boat?