Why wouldn't I admit it? Who cares. I don't know shame. It doesn't exist to me. I have lost all shame, everything, I have nothing to lose anymore. I publicly tell people I do dck lengthening at home, because unless you aren't hitting her cervix and she is yelling "too deep" you will never leave a lasting impression and be her biggest. Then normie starts sub-consciously thinking maybe his partner has had bigger ha ha. I love subtly blackpilling and instilling doubt.
Blue pills naturally cannot accept black pilling of this caliber, but when they realise I'm not in the least way shameful about it and they can't bust my balls, since I will agree & amplify, you are unbreakable at that point.
"Wow, dude, you are so weird" -> "I know, I'm mentally sick"
"Nobody cares about height" -> "studies say otherwise, but hey, keep believing, less insolefrauders, less competition for me!"
"lol, why would you get that surgery" -> "to look better duh, a nice face gives you halo effect and increases chances in life, read the study"
"lol, you are obsessed" -> "only obsessed are remembered, normie"
"lol, you have a small dck" -> "I know, that is why I'm lengthening it"
"lol, you are so vain" -> "So is everyone, they just haven't accepted it yet"
"you are a freak" -> "thanks for compliment"
"go to a shrink" -> "I have"
"Were you bullied or something?" -> "Yeah, because I was a little bitch. I'd have bullied my 14 yo self bitch boy. Only strong survive"
"You have self-esteem issues" -> "I have mogging issues"
And then they realise they can't say anything truly insulting, because you heightmog them, framemog them, masculine mog them, neckmog them and low inhibitionmog them. Why? Because you have nothing to lose. And they have their whole blue pill bubble to lose. Once they realise they are dealing with unstoppable force they accept you as that "weird character".
Like Rich Piana. I loved that guy. Talked straight up everyones face about reality of his roidmaxxing. Didn't give a . Talked about dck hanging lower than balls. That's what it is all about. NOT GIVING A DAMN!